Moving council property

My mother in law has just received the dad need of both lung and liver cancer, not operatable.

She lives with her husband in a council house who has kidney disease and heart failure and is on nightly dyalasis.

The property has 3 rooms and stairs.

She is not able to climb the stairs and her mobility is poor.

They have bought a wheel chair.

They want to move to a same level smaller house.


  • Hello Pazza and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm really sorry to hear the news your mother in law has been given. This must be a very difficult time for you all. 

    I know you were hoping to get some advice on how you can help your in-laws move in to a more suitable property and I hope some of the information I've found will help.

    If you haven't done so already, do be sure to contact the housing department at their local council and explain the circumstances. There should be a phone number you can call on the council's website.

    I have had a look on the Citizen's Advice website and managed to find an article on how to move to more suitable accommodation. I really hope this helps but if you'd like to discuss this further, you can find out how to contact them just here.

    Macmillan are available on 0808 808 00 00 and may be able to offer some advice on your parents situation as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi , firstly I'm so sorry to read that you have so many problems with your mother in laws health but just wanted to offer some advice with regards to their housing situation,  the council would welcome the chance of regaining a 3 bed house for a family and hopefully will give them priority for a bungalow/ g/f flat,  you just need to provide them with all of their medical information and why their current property isn't suitable,  best wishes