I'm just after some ideas on what to do with regard to an upcoming business trip. I am not particularly obligated to go at the moment (I have only booked a flight so my company stand to lose around 150 at the moment). But the hotels are like put to cost around 400 in addition, so do I say something now or hold off because it's probably nothing to worry about.
My first breast clinic appointment is 2nd; and I'm due to fly out on 7th. Unless the doctors confirms almost nothing to be worried about or, all clear. I fear the biopsy date, or biopsy result (if they take a biopsy on 2nd) will fall on the dates I'm away,
I don't want to overreact and tell boss before I need to,
or cause any undue alarm. But equally I don't want to feel all the more obligated to go, once my hotel is booked!
be grateful for any thoughts on this. Thanks all, stay safe xx