I was diagnosed with DCIS 10 years ago. I had critical illness cover with legal and general insurance company, when I made a claim I was told my cancer wasn't cover. 10 years on the DCIS has returned this time I have been put on cancer tablets for at least 10 years and have to get a mastectomy and have lymph nodes removed. Got back in touch with Legal and General and their reply was sorry to hear about your Cancer returning but your claim is not going ahead. Which has completely left me so depressed I don't earn any money when I don't work, I don't know how I am going to pay my mortgage or my bills. Wish I never took my insurance out with L&G which costs me £70 a month which I have paid for 25 years if I had put that amount in a saving accounts I would not have this worry hanging over my head. 

  • Hi Brownlegs.


    I am really sorry to hear that your claims have not been successful - it is certainly worth looking through your Critical Illness policy with a fine tooth comb (although I 'm sure you have) to see if there is anything about cancer in situ.

    I am currently going through the claims process with a different insurance company - will have to wait and see what the response is. My policy clearly states a payment (not the full policy amount) for "cancer in situ that requires removal by surgery" but we will see.

    Are you able to appeal the decision?

    Take care x


  • Hi brownlegs,

    I was diagnosed with high grade dcis in April and under went a mastectomy in May. Just started the critical claim process with aviva, I've supplied all my details so now just waiting for it to work through the system.

    Were you successful with your claim?


  • Hi Gloria, 

    My claim is also with Aviva. Its been six months since the process started and still no decision. A load of hold ups getting information from my GP and with payment from Aviva but they finally have all the reports apparently so hoping they will get back to me soon. 

    Good luck with your claim. 


  • Hi PositiveT,

    I'm sorry to hear your claim has taken so long, it certainly doesn't help with the closure on your recovery.

    Aviva have been helpful with me so far however both my husband and I were informed the claim was successful and we with full payout only then to be advised later of the medical consent and info. Hopefully now I have clarified they have all my info it shouldn't take too long  



  • Sorry forgot to ask, are you a DCIS claim too?


  • Hi Gloria,

    That's good news that your claim was successful - fingers cross you get your payout soon.

    Yes, my claim was for DCIS too.

    Take care xx

  • Hi Positive T,

    We were given the wrong information twice from aviva, my claim  is still with the assessors so they shouldn't have given any information over the phone regarding payouts to myself or my husband. 
    I completed medical paperwork yesterday so just a waiting game now.  


  • Ah I see. 

    It's a dragged out process isn't it. I hope you get some positive news soon!


  • Hi Brownlegs,

    Im so sorry you have this worry.  Insurance companies can really fail us at critical times.  When I was diagnosed with DCIS with a small invasive back in January my nurse said to me "well you can pay off your mortgage now"!  I nearly fell off the chair.   I did have a critical illness policy attached to my life assurance with L&G and they did pay up reasonably quickly.  It certainly wasn't enough to pay off a mortgage but it certainly helped.

    You need to go through your policy really well.  I suspect that it's actually the stage and grade of the cancer that they assess.  So for example you could have DCIS but it could be a higher grade.  My DCIS was low grade 1 so I suspect they paid out for me on the invasive even though that was low grade as well.

    unfortunately my husband had prostrate cancer 4 years ago and he too was in this position.  His Gleeson score didn't fit the criteria for a payout as he was deemed to be low grade. It's all very frustrating.  Our thoughts on the insurance industry are unprintable here as he had major surgery and was off work for 8 weeks.  He didn't get a penny!  Awful isn't it!

    I wish you well and hope you manage to navigate your way around this.

    Mary x

  • As breast  cancer is classed as a disability you can apply for a free bus pass and the  disabled rail card.

    You can apply for PIP at the higher rate and if awarded it is over £600 a month tax free and not dependent on savings or whether you work or not.

    This extra cash could allow you to work part time.