Unsupportive husband

I had advanced stage 3 breast cancer diagnosed in July 20, I had a mastectomy, full node clearance, six months of chemo, radiotherapy and have just finished immunotherapy.  I am still on tamoxifen, zolodex.  I am back working full time in a high pressure job, have two young kids and no family support network nearby.  Mostly throughout this whole thing I have been so strong, and take a kick *** attitude to it all.  

Two weeks ago I saw my consultant as I have pain and swelling under my arm and am now waiting for a scan to see if we are back to square one.

This time, I am scared, terrified even, that it has come back.  I'm trying to hold my *** together, but its hard.  Maybe because my consultant told me it WILL be back at somepoint Or maybe because I know what to expect now.

Either way, I am scared, frickin knackered, I hurt continually and am struggling with early menopause, tiredness etc etc.  I'm feeling that Im struggling.  

I just asked my husband for a little more emotional support, to be told that 'he's drained...'completely drained' after the past year.  I get that it affects everyone, and that me having had cancer isnt a trump card, but I do feel so hurt and disappointed that he geneuinely thinks this is an ok response.  I would love to be 'normal life tired' again, 

This is a theme (when i went through radio he expected me to take our kids with me ( we dont live in england) as it would be too hard for him to have them and work).  

Am I being completely unreasonable? Has anyone else had this who can advise?  Thanks x


  • Omg I thought it was just me. So my husband was diagnosed with aggressive prostrate cancer at beginning of year. We was shocked I'm in a very stressful job as was he. His employers were amazing unfortunately mine not so good causing me to have severe mental health issues at 1 point being under the emergency mental health team. BUT I was there every single apt scan,, oncologist, urologist, you name it I was there exhausted having full time job with on call duties and doing everything at home. Then he got his news in remission yes live can start again. 

    So I went for my routine mammo screening didn't think anything of it 3rd one I've had until you get a letter please come back on this date - lucky I am medically trained won't be nothing but they had seen 9mm lump which they biopsied and would get results 2 weeks. During the time of receiving the results and going hubby had an accident and was in hospital for a few days I visited before work, lunchtime and evening I was knackered. He had fractured ribs and clavicle. So I went to results day with a friend to be told yes you have cancer we will refer you to local hospital. I was in shock but ok I will just get on with it 

    Discussed at mdm radiologist didn't like look of lymph node more imaging needed and biopsies done. Operation day my 76 year old mum took me and hubby to hospital and I would call them to be collected. Consultant came with bcn and said that cancer had spent to lymph and I would need lumpectomy and lymph node clearance which was done. I stayed overnight collected next day. I can't do heavy lifting. I lost it on Saturday while I'm trying to keep everything neat and tidy he sits on his *** telling me how much pain he's in really I've had my breast sliced open and bits taken out. I told him I was there for his cancer every step of the way me I done it myself totally. His making no effect in moving that arm we are 5 weeks now and I'm moving my arm a lot better then him and I'm day 8

    Told him yesterday I'm sick of his constant moaning then he's off with me all day  I'm thinking in 4 weeks I see oncologist and true is I'm going on my own I can do it I've done the last few weeks on my own since diagnosis I will just keep going . But it is making me resentful we have been together nearly 30 years and adored each other where has it all gone so very wrong 

  • Hi.Ive just come across your post .So much of this resonates with me right now .I've just had the other half moan about the most trivial of *** ! Why do I use a sponge not a cloth in the sink ,why do I not let him buy what he wants from the supermarket. I'm literally in tears,it's   only been 2 weeks since I've found out about my BC.Haven't even started treatment and already feeling like I'm going to be an 'inconvenience! I'm so mad right now. So true what they say-cometh the hour,cometh the man !