How to manage with a PICC line?

I had a PICC line inserted today, and... let's just say, it's a wee bit bigger than I was expecting! How do people wear jumpers or anything with long sleeves with these?! I'm terrified of knocking the clip off that stops air getting into it, and I don't think I'll be sleeping on that side whilst I've got it in. It's got to stay in for just under 3 months too!!! Any tips or suggestions?

  • Hi,

    I just had my PICC line removered after about 5 months. I found it did get easier to manage as  time went on. One of the nurses told me it would take about 8lbs+ of pressure to actually pull it out and even then it would be difficult which i found reassuring. I found using tape to hold it in a comfortable position (if there is such a thing) helpful and I would wrap the bit with the bung on with gauze and tape that up.  I've seen others cover their PICC line with some kind of wrap so it feel's more secure. 

    After getting used to it a bit i found it quite easy to wear long sleeves etc as they would kind of hold it in place. 

    Hope you get on well with it. 

  • Ah, that's good to hear, hopefully I'll get used to it! They gave me some tubigrip at the hosptial today, and that fits snugly around it, and it holds the awkward bung flattish against my arm, so I'm a lot happier. Good point about long sleeves holding it down and in place too!

    Thanks for the message :happy: