Lymph Node Biopsy and Scan inconclusive after chemoradiation

Hello I was diagnosed with throat and lymph node cancer September 2020 and began treatment in October.  Thirty radiation and 2 chemotherapy sessions.  I had a PET and CT scan 3 months after treatment completed which the doctors werent happy with so had a further panendoscopy where biopsies were taken and another needle biopsy of lymph nodes.  Throat came back negative but lymph node biopsy came back as inconclusive and now surgeon wants to perform a neck dissection.  I asked couldnt a further biopsy and scan be taken to which he said it would help.  I dont really want to go through unnecessary surgery but at the same time I want to be cancer free.  Has anyone else on this forum experienced similar and if so what course of action did you take?



  • Hello Linda3

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and treatment. We've many members here on the forum who have had oral cancers and I know how harsh the treatment regime can be. It's understandable that you want to avoid any unnecessary surgery.

    Did the Consultant agree to do a further biopsy and scan to try and get some firmer answers? If so I hope that you don't have to wait too long for the appointments. 

    I wonder if you might find it helpful to have a chat with one of our team of nruses? I'm sure they would be happy to talk things through with you and offer any advice or support that they can. If you'd like to chat with them they're available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Do keep in touch Linda nad let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello Jenn,

    No - he said further tests wouldnt be of  any use.  The piece of lymph node that was taken was too small for a definitive conclusion.  I have had a word with a Macmillan nurse and she told me that there would have been quite a number of professionals looking at the scans etc and all would have come to the decision that this was the best course of action - not the consultant alone.  A belt and braces job if you like!  I must admit I am not looking forward to the prospect of this surgery, as I havent gotten over the radiotherapy yet, but I have decided to go ahead with the surgery, as if there was any trace of cancer left lurking, it would be better to get it over and done with now whilst I am still not 100%.  It would be awful if I left it and it had spread further when I am next due for a scan.  Thank you for replying.

    Best Wishes
