Docetaxel (Taxotere) and nail varnish!

So I have to have dark nail varnish for the whole time I'm on Docetaxel (Taxotere).  I picked a metallic black.

Safe to say I'ver never painted my nails before and it shows :D

Think I'll get the mother-in-law on it tomorrow!

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  • What is the actual science behind this?

    My wife has just finished her 3rd and last course of Docetaxel, and we asked 2 oncologists about this, and a breast doctor prior to her starting the chemo as we had read about it too.  All 3 said black nail varnish had no proven link to whether people got nail damage or not. Clear nail varnish or any nail varnish all contain the same things and all do the same job if she wanted to use nail varnish or if she had always worn it. The hospital she attends is a breast and ovarian specialist hospital, so I'm assuming they know their stuff.

    They did say nail care was important and general foot care too, but not to go overboard with it or to over think it. My wife has worn little or no nail varnish and her nails have remained fine. They're ever so slightly pitted (as in you have to really look closely) and this occurred on the EC chemo, not the Doc.

    So yeah, was anyone actually told to do this by those treating them or just read others doing it?