12 weekly paclitaxel

Well to carry on from my last post when I was having ep every three weeks I am now on the paclitaxel which is every week for 12 weeks. I was quite worried how will I cope every week, well it's not too bad honestly. I am at the hospital twice a week, once for bloods and COVID swabs and the next day for treatment. I didn't know what to expect, firstly cup of tea and a biscuit (result) then on with the steroid injection, a little perculiar sensation in your front bottom which just for a minute feels as though you have just sat naked on a bunch of nettles then it subsides, over and done with. The next is the bag of pacliataxel and bag of saline attached to my picc line.( Please get one done it is so worth it) and sit and chat with new faces for an hour. I am from Barnsley and we love to chat so it's great to find out tips and dos and don't from more experienced chemo patients. That's it done. I am on my second week and can tell you so far it's a lot better then the previous  ec chemo. I have lots more energy which must be down to the steroids and then when I do sleep it's for not as long through the day. I don't feel nauseas or have the brain freeze headache anymore. My only side effects are quick sharp stabbing pains all over particularly round my breast but they are quick and don't stop you in your tracks.and a flushing of the face. But all in all it ain't been too bad. My only tip this time is drink as much water as you can. I am still enjoying my boiled rhubarb sugar and fresh ginger in boiled water from the fridge added to lemonade in a gin glass. But must admit it's better with the gin but that's saved for in ten weeks time. Has anyone tried the non alchaholic one ? I must get some. Anyway anyone who is worried about this treatment don't be. It gets you out of the house for a couple of hours makes you put a bit of make up on and get out of the pjs and feel human again. Good luck everybody and keep positive. Xx


  • [@Isthishappening]‍ 

    Hi there,

    My experience with Paclitaxel - well I'm a bit further down the line from you and just had Round 10 of 12 weekly sessions.
    Previous to that I had 4 A/C sessions (every 3 weeks). I found that quite tough mainly the nausea and generally not feeling good. When I started Paclitaxel it did seem much easier but for me personally, the side effects are building up week by week. I also suffer from the facial flushing which appears the day after treatment and lasts just over 24hrs. Then as the flushing is going down I get a nice rash which lasts for 3 to 4 days although the last 2 weeks it hasnt been as bad. I still get some nausea but much milder than before and it doesn't affect my appetite, My main problem has been crazy itchiness on the backs of the hands which I think has developed into the Hand-Foot syndrome that I've read up about. The hands become bright red and are very sore and painful, they sometimes feel like they're on fire and the skin is peeling. I've tried several different creams and natural products which seem to ease it one day and not the next. My oncologist has given me anti-histamine tablets and a corticosteroid cream, which sometimes help and sometimes doesn't. Also my nails are lifting and discolouring. And I have 1 foot affected too.  I think its something that will not improve until I have finished the chemo.
    I'm so glad I only have 2 sessions left!

    Not everyone gets these side effects I'd like to add, it can affect people in different ways and some people are very lucky and get none.

    i'm keeping my fingers crossed you are one of the lucky ones!

    Wishing you all the very best and hoping you enjoy that gin in 10 weeks time!

    I have a nice bottle of cava chilling for my celebration! :)




  • Thanks for that, yes so far so good for me, how awful that sounds I do hope I can avoid it but it's inevitable that I will be topping up each week. Thank you for the cream name I will ask for some prior so I can use it before it gets bad. Two bottles of NA gin now in the fridge excited at trying it tonight. Lots of luck to you and you will be ringing that bell soon ️

  • Hello 

    how did the treatment go. I am starting soon and wanted some tips.  Thanks 

  • Hello

    hpw did the treatment go. I am starting soon. How did you find it?

  • Hello

    how are you doing.  How's your recovery?  I am just going to start.  Any tips 

  • Hello

    how are you doing?   How are you feeling.  I am starting soon.  

  • @HOLMES65, hi i finished my 12 weeks of Paclitaxel two weeks ago, and i can advise you with my own experience that it wasnt so hard. I used cold cap all 12 weeks it give me extra time to stay in hospital but i saved 50% of my hair , so no wig no chemo hats for me. I had pic line insert in to my arm and this ia really really worth it .pleaae do it if nurse advise you if not ask herself. I did not experience many side effects just take it how it is. I managed to work all my chemotherapy time but i did part time and iam very happy about it. I think weekly chemo its very doable and its how it is. I wish you to be always positive and be strong. Xx

  • Hey is paclitaxel used for early stage breast cancer do you know?

  • [@Lizzy79]‍ hello, paclitaxel its very common medication for different cancer not only breast cancer, its been used for early and advanced but they also adding some another type of medication before weekly Paclitaxel. How are you? Iam 5 weeks after chemotherapy and i lost almost all my hair just very recently, iam very upset as i used cold cap and it helped me while i was on chemo. But unfortunately i losed them after my treatment finished ...x

  • Hey I'm doing ok thanks started the taxol last Monday and have my second lot tomorrow I've had a couple of rough days but I think I over did it because I felt a lot better then I had with the EC. I'm so sorry about your hair I didn't know this could happen. Mine came out just before my second lot of EC and I cried and cried. When it's in your breast and a few armpit nodes is that advanced? Taxol with phesgo injection is that common? Hope your feeling better now your treatments finished x