Signs cervical cancer has spread to lymph nodes

Hi everyone.

I was diagnosed with stage 1A2 cervical cancer a few days ago. I'm having to wait for my appointments for my MRI and CT scans. The last few days I have experienced breast tenderness as well as in my left armpit. I also suffer back pain which I have had for months, although I am now aware it can be a sign that it has spread to my lymp nodes. As my cancer is not squamous cells but adenocarcinoma which is to do with glands- just like the lymph system is a glandular system- I am terrified that it may have spread.

My partner has been unwell for 2 days so I'm hoping that the tender breast area could just be my body fighting off the same infection.

could anyone please share with me their experience of any symptoms they had before news that cancer had spread to their lymph nodes?

I'm 36 and a mother of 2 boys. I'm hoping the hysterectomy I'm due to have will get rid of it all and that I won't have to tell them that I have been diagnosed with cancer. If it has spread then I will have no choice but to tell them.

still coming to terms with the awful news. I realise that I am lucky that it was caught early and that it is only stage 1A2, but that doesn't help with the worrying about my scans and what the results may be.

sending love and hugs to everyone here xx

  • Hi

    I was diagnosed with 1B1 adenocarcinoma in June. I had a radical hysterectomy and lymph node removal. 

    They told me my lymph nodes were swollen when they removed them, but on checking they were fine and cancer wasn't found in them.

    I had swollen lymph nodes in my arm 2 months later and then swollen lymph nodes in my groin. 

    I've had multi scans and my cancer is still not in my lymph nodes.  

    I don't think you can guess if it's spread to your lymph nodes, the only sure way is the histology report if they are removed or they can also tell on your scan but this is not as accurate.



  • Hi Giggsy,

    Thank you for your reply it has eased my overactive mind and made me feel so much better.

    I'm glad everything has worked out well for you. It really is the most awful and worrying thing to go through.

    My consultant did mention the possibility of the lymph nodes needing to be removed. It is the waiting around that drags me down and sends me mind into overdrive. I'm not a patient person anyway and not knowing has been the hardest thing to deal with so far.

    I know that all cases are different, but could you please tell me how long you had to wait for scan results? My Dad is insisting that I have the scans done privately for quicker scans and results, but if they aren't done exactly as the consultant wants them I would have to wait even longer for them to be redone so I think I'm better just to stay where I am instead of using private scans and nhs treatment, it could get too complicated. My consultant is the best around here so I've been told, so I have full faith in him. It's just learning to be patient and trusting the process. Did your results take long?

    I've read that adenocarcinoma has a higher chance of returning to lymph nodes if mestases are found. Luckily you didn't have any. I have just been glued to the internet researching everything and driving myself insane. I won't be doing that anymore, I'm making myself ill. I'm not a worrier, never have been, but this has completely knocked me.

    Thank you for you reply xx

  • I know what you mean being glued to the Internet, I am actually on here reading about chemotherapy, as I'm starting tomorrow. 

    My lymph nodes were clear and are still clear, but I had a reoccurrence in my ovary which they think was spread through my blood, but they are not 100% sure how it got there!

    My scans were originally with the NHS, I had a ultrasound, MRI and a hysteroscopy and all the results took a week. To get the scans they were both arranged in a week too. So about 2 weeks all in all. What annoyed me was the MRI took 2 weeks from getting arranged to the results, then they have to chat about the results it wasn't conclusive, so I had another 2 week wait for the hysteroscopy appointment and results.   I went private after that with my consultant and treatment so everything was a lot quicker, have had a MRI, 2 CTs and a PET scan and all my results have been within 1 to 2 days and the scans arranged in 1-2 days too. I agree that using private scans and NHS treatment would get too complicated.

    Hope this has helped slightly 




  • That turn around time for the private scans is good and it's worth going for if there are no finance issues. I'm hoping that I have positive results from the scans and that the hysterectomy will get rid of it all, so fingers crossed. I have told my consultant to give me a total hysterectomy as I don't want anymore children, I'm just praying that that will be enough.
    I was told that if it has spread to lymph nodes it will be a combination of radio and chemo, but I haven't even looked at that yet. Just taking things step by step.

    I'm sorry to hear that you had a reoccurrence and I'm sending lots of luck and love for tomorrow. I can imagine how nerve racking it must be, you will be fine. Stay strong. Please do let me know how you get on. 

    Good luck :) xxxx

  • Thanks I hope they hurry up with your scans too the waiting is the worst especially due to covid as there's no escape from your own mind.

    The hysterectomy is fine, I was dreading going in, I even took valium to get me into the hospital but you are in the best hands. If you trust your consultant then it'll be a lot easier. 

    I was lucky i have private medical cover with work, the amount of scans I've been having would have cost me a fortune.


  • I've had my CT scan appointment for tomorrow!!

    Best of luck for today. You got this xxx

  • Ah great news,  CT scans are the easiest, pain free, not claustrophobic and pretty quick.

    Let me know your results.

    Chemo wasn't that bad although I'm on 5 lots of tablets and think when they stop in 2 days I'll be in bed for a few days.


  • Hi, Just wondering how you're getting on? Have you had to have more treatment? I had my CT almost 2 weeks ago now, my MRI has now been rearranged for the 15th as I tested positive for covid. This has eased my mind as I believe my body must have been fighting it off all along and that is why I had the swollen lymp glands. How have you been with the treatment?x