Grade 3 Invasive ductal Carcinoma

Hi ‍♀️ Everyone, good evening and hope everyone is keep safe. I am new too the forum and I have recently been diagnosed with a grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. I was told by my surgeon that the tumour is strongly oestrogen and progesterone receptor positive and HER2 negative. 
Tomorrow will make it nearly a month since I had surgery

( Lumpactomy and lymph node taken), and meeting for the first time with my oncologist, to discuss the next treatment plan. I have a feeling that I may be getting Chemotherapy as well radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. 
I have been of work for nearly two months now, as I work in the hospital as an anaesthetic practitioner, my job can be very demanding and highly stressful. But I have made the decision too stop work for now and that's been really had for me because I only just started my job and just passed the probationary period.   But with having cancer am starting too  think that I need a total life change and career change. 
Does anyone feel this way? And any advice? As I sometimes feel guilty. 

Also any advice on what too expect tomorrow as I discuss treatment plan with my oncologist? 

kind Regards 



so any adv

  • Hi I have sent you a friend request, I have recently been diagnosed with grade 3 ductal but that's all I know so far. I am waiting for ct scan and mri they are this week. Hopefully next week there will be a plan action next week. Did you find the wait hard? I've been told this the worst bit waiting to get started xx

  • Hi, thank you for the friend request.  So sorry to hear about your diagnoses. Yes the wait was very hard mostly for my family, because each passing time that passes makes it all real for them. The waiting was hard for me, but I worked for the first two months after I was diagnosed, until it became too much for me as I was having too care for patients like myself and having too put a brave face on each day. I don't think the stress was good for my mental health too. 

    The pet CT scan wasn't so bad, you will have too fast the whole day tho. The whole process too about 2hours , and just cos of all the preparations, as the actual scan lasted 30 mins. 

    The MRI for me was a little hard as it was very noisy. But you will be fine. You for this :)


    All the best for next week. :) 

  • Oh really, mine doesn't say I need to fast. Maybe I misread, I will have a good read tomorrow and fill out the forms. 

    I have just started back at work today, hard to concentrate couldn't really so much. Hoping tomorrow might be abit better. 


  • Hi Ladies, I have exactly the same diagnosis as you guys. I've had all the biopsies, scans etc and I am having a Masectomy on 25th and am at present isolating. I go from despair and disbelief to "hell I can do this". I will report back after my surgery. Sending all our wonderful strong breast cancer sufferers huge love and strength x 

  • Hi sorry for the late response, It has been a week of intense emotional roller coaster for me. 
    I had the meeting with my oncologist on Tuesday last week, am  I have been told that will be having chemotherapy for 16-20 weeks and then have radiotherapy a month later for weeks. 
    I was told that although the cancer was caught early, that it is quite aggressive and so the treatment has too be aggressive too.  There also are suggesting that genetic testing is also carried out too better understand if it's genetically linked. 
     I have also started fertility treatment to freeze my eggs. It's been a lot too handle. 
    Too top it off I had another CT scan this time they use iodine dye, and I ended up having an a really bad allergic reaction too it! Lol, if I don't laugh about this I would cry
     Hope you all keeping safe. We all warriors Let's keep strong. 

  • Hi Gingergirl, love the name by the way!

    sending you all the love and strength today and parying for you that all goes smoothly with your surgery and recovery. Big Hugs . You're a warrior. Xx