Cording after lymph node removal

Hi there 


has anyone developed cording after lymph nodes removal for breast cancer? Got lymph nodes removed from under my arm 2 weeks and seem to have developed this cording like a ligament from my underarm to my elbow ? It's restricting my movement and very painful anyone got it and how do I get rid of it please ??? 

  • Hi Lorraine,


    Thank you fir the msg, my operation was 3 weeks ago and I am doing the exercises probably not as often each day. A lot of my movement is good but when I stretch or reach it has the cording and it's very sore plus you can see the cord, did yours go eventually and how long do you think it will take ? I gave chem soon & then radiotherapy so I hope it goes soon

    any extra hints or info would be so useful and thank you for taking the time to respond xx

  • Hi there,


     Sorry can't offer any advice. Following your post with interest, I had full node clearance three weeks ago and despite doing the exercises regularly I think I may have developed cording. Its really quite painful and today appears to be travelling further down my arm. I guess it's a phone call to the breast care nurse tomorrow, but I don't like bothering them. Hope your symptoms ease soon and good luck with the rest of your treatment x

  • I  going the exercise like mad and it is getting better very very slowly but we will keeping going.


    I start chemo in 2 weeks so I think that will set me back a little but we will keep pushing. 

    I do hope you are getting better do the exercises or as I do put stuff on top shelf and that's makes me reach . I might start in gin and pop it on the very top shelf

  • Hi

    i had 6 nodes removed on 9th sept and despite doing exercises religiously after surgery I have suffered with really bad cording and swelling under arm.    Started with 5 or 6 ropes quite visible in arm pit and was very restricting and painful.  
    im afraid the only way to resolve is exercises regularly throughout the day and pushing through the pain.   I've been doing mine 6 - 7 times EVERY day and eventually they make this kind of "popping" noise when they free up.   (Quite disgusting for hubby!).  Very Very painful but also quite satisfying and immediately gives relief when snapped.   Unfortunately as you free up one rope the pain moves to another area further down arm (if your unlucky like me) which is the next area to free up.   You then start the process all over again.

    im currently rope free top of arm but now trying to free up elbow down to wrists and around back and rib cage!!!

    surgery has been a doddle compared to bl@@dy cording!  I've an appt at the lymphodema clinic this week and hopefully they will give me some more tips.

    good luck and hope you can push through the exercises and free up the cords xx

  • Hi,


       Glad to hear you've had some improvement with the cording. I upped my exercises this week and generally pushed myself a bit further. So far, so good, I've definitely seen some improvement, and can raise my arm a bit higher. Hope you're managing to grab that gin off the top shelf! 

       I start my chemo tomorrow so getting my big girl pants ready as I'm going to need them. Take care and keep up the good work with the exercises x