Drain colour still red 8 days after mastectomy, is this norm



I have had my mastectomy done 8 days ago (14.08.20) with a drain fixed. Daily I am eliminating around 120ml and is  still red colored. More, often clots of blood are coming out obstructing the straw. Is this normal? Does anybody else has experienced something like this or can help? 

  • Hello Mamasorose

    It's normal to continue passing some red coloured fluid and clots into a post surgical drain. It can sometimes look like the clots are obstructing things but you've mentioned that the drain is still eliminating fluid so it sounds like things are working as they're supposed to.

    What are the arrangements for you to have the drain removed? Are you going back to clinic or is there a nurse coming to see you at home? If you're still concerned about things then do get in touch with the relevant team who will be best placed to advise you and arrange for you to be seen if necessary. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator