Afatinib - suffering terribly from side effects, anyone else

I have been on Afatinib ,targeted therapy for six months now ,for lung cancer ,I was on 40 mg ,then the doctors put it down to 30 mg I was a very active person ,but these pills are giving me no qaulity of life ,I can't stop coughing ,I'm very cold when it's hot ,my appetite is terrible ,I just feel awful ,and wondering if anyone else is on these pills and suffer side affects like me ,if so do they take any supplements to help themselves .

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Linden although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    Do be sure to let your doctors know how tough this is for you, even with the reduced dose, as they'll be able to advise on how to manage these side effects or even let you know what other options may be available to you.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been on Afatinib will get back to you soon but if you'd like to discuss this with one of our cancer nurses then do give them a call. They're available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040.

    I really hope things start to improve soon Linden.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello,sorry for late reply to this. 

    I started on Afatinib in June,on 40mg,and had the worst reaction- pustules on my scalp,extremely bad facial acne( I'm 58!),nausea,sickness , diahrroea,and I lost my appetite completely,and lost about 2 and a half stone in a very short time- due to the fact I couldn't eat! In that time I was taken off the 40mg for 2 weeks(I broke my hip in the meantime!),and restarted on 30mg. I still have mild side affects,few acne spots, itchy skin,mild diahrroea ( manageable),runny nose,and slight cough,headaches,but I think this is better than the alternative! You may find your consultant,when you have spoken to them,may reduce it further,to 20mg,until your body gets used to it? I hope,by now,you are doing better,please let me know if you can! 

  • Offline in reply to WilsoD

    I use Betnovate scalp application you can get it from your doctor or on line its the only thing that works for me