Stage 4 with liver mets Small cell lung cancer.

Just been diagnosed with the above, am seeing oncologist this afternoon to decide treatment, they say probably chemo as I am quite well, and wouldn't know anything was wrong if I hadn't had a blood test and CAT scan, What are my chances of being here this time next year? I've been reading up on CBD oil with Sevita L and low THC, and wonder if anyone on here has tried it and how are they getting on? Heard it's good for nausea and pain after chemo,but can also reduce tumour size, can it be taken while having chemo? Thanks for any replies and advice .

  • Hi so sorry, the best thing is ask to your consultant, but I had the CBD oil on my FEC T chemotherapy, it help relaxing my, I always had at night, it didn't kill my cancer but it help with discomfort, I am now on the CBD tea,  and I love it, again I decide to take at night, it helps, and I hope the tea has a strong effect on the battle to nmy tumor. 

    Heads up

    Stay strong 

  • Thanks Picao, I've got some CBD oil, not starting chemo for about  week, but have got started on CBD thought it best to do something. Good luck with your treatment and CBD tea.

  • It's the THC that gets you stoned,  Careful if you drive.  

    What treatment did your consultant come up with?  My hubby found a tiny lump on his neck in Dec.  No other symptoms. Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer primary.  Spread to liver, lymph nodes, adrenal glands and bone,  Very aggressive and a massive shock.  

  • Start chemo on Fri,  6 lots with cat scan after 3rd, Carboplatin and Etoposide.

    Sorry to hear about your husband hope he gets on ok, good luck to you both.

    What have they got him on? I will stick with CBD Cannabidiol and THC I think it will help.

  • His chemo is cisplatin and etoposide.  We were told 4-6 sessions. 3 weeks apart.  Told he would have consultant and comparison ct scan before 2 nd round of chemo.  That didn't happen.  3rd round of chemo is next week.  I've had to chase up ct scan and consultant.  Still waiting a consultant appt.  

  • Hi Shedman and Hopeinhell, 

    My husband was diagnosed last week with very similar to you guys. He is 37 and has small cell but his lungs are currently clear but it's in his pancreas, small bowel, lymph nodes and liver. He started chemo the very next day, like you guys he is having carboplatin and Etoposide. He is having 6 rounds and will happen every 3 weeks. We are now entering week 2 of the first round of chemo and he is in terrible stomach pain and has been sick. 
    How have you guys found treatment so far? Also we were given a 1 to 5 year prognosis and that he would have chemo to shrink the cells and then radiotherapy after but they cannot perform radiotherapy on the liver. Have you received similar advice? Like you this has come completely out of the blue and only discovered after a raised lymph node in the neck and a biopsy. We have been told his case is very rare for someone of his age and that his lungs are clear? 
    Hoping someone in some similar issue can help us with more information. 

  • Hi Shedman and Hopeinhell, 

    My husband was diagnosed last week with very similar to you guys. He is 37 and has small cell but his lungs are currently clear but it's in his pancreas, small bowel, lymph nodes and liver. He started chemo the very next day, like you guys he is having carboplatin and Etoposide. He is having 6 rounds and will happen every 3 weeks. We are now entering week 2 of the first round of chemo and he is in terrible stomach pain and has been sick. 
    How have you guys found treatment so far? Also we were given a 1 to 5 year prognosis and that he would have chemo to shrink the cells and then radiotherapy after but they cannot perform radiotherapy on the liver. Have you received similar advice? Like you this has come completely out of the blue and only discovered after a raised lymph node in the neck and a biopsy. We have been told his case is very rare for someone of his age and that his lungs are clear? 
    Hoping someone in some similar issue can help us with more information. 

  • Hi Emzby,  We must try and stay positive through all the treatment, which I do sometimes find difficult, I'm having my third chemo next week, the first one didn't affect me much but have felt a bit sick since the second, and lost my hair. My best wishes to you and your husband and hope things work out for you.



  • Hi

    An awful diagnosis but I am glad you seem to be doing well, Shedman. i am very interested in the CBD oil thing! I just don't know where to begin to look for this kind of thing and the health stores sell really cheap low grade useless stuff. I heard it was only available in the USA and Australia? The UK gov won't sell it here or am I wrong? Forgive my naïveté lol. I'd do anything to make my mum well again she's got bowel cancer with liver mets and isn't doing good. She's living in fear and getting sick and it's hurting us because she used to be so strong and determined. The cannabidiol might chill her out a bit??

  • Hi everyone. Unfortunately my husbands cancer is not stabilising with chemo.  He has gone through 4 rounds and really managed them well.  Waiting now for a ct scan and consultant appt.  They did book a 5th round but I'm scared they will cancel it because of Covid19.