Meeting Oncologist Help

Can I ask

Does everyone fear these meetings with Oncologist?

I've met her last week for the first time with the greatness that the chemo was shrinking the cancer,

Now I have to meet her again next Tuesday,

I'm hoping it's only to decide if they are going to continue with chemo or radiation,

My nerves are totally gone worrying about this,

Can someone please advise me or is this normal procedure?

Please Help,


  • I can relate I promise.  There is just no easy answer unfortunately and as we all different what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another.  I'm so sick of it now too, maybe that's why I'm not worrying as much, because I'm tired of it all, but I'm still very restless.  Monday I see oncologist as I've finished the radiotherapy and now they want to talk me into taking tamoxifen and have bone infusions.  Not looking forward to it and really don't want either.  I'm just trying to not think about it until my appointment.  It's very hard ... sending you big big hugs and you definitely in my thoughts.  Xx

  • Thank you jBee,

    Best of luck with whatever treatment you have going toward,

    It's a tough road we are on but hopefully things will get easier if not better,x

  • Morning I'm not sure what's happening on here today, I responded but my post is not here .  I hope you had a better evening and today is a good day for you.  It sure is a tough journey, but we will just deal with it the best we can.  I'd love to win the lotto so I didn't have to drag my aching tired body to work and instead sit on a beach enjoying the sunshine lol but hey ho let's do the best we can and try be positive, but it's also ok to have a bad day.  It's allowed and I'm sure normal.  
    I'll update you after Monday's appointment and of course I will keep in touch because I'd like to know how you get on with yours and give you support too.

    keep smiling lovely lady, it's wet and miserable out there today which doesn't help but maybe I'll bake a cake or something, it keeps my mind busy.... even if I end up sharing with my neighbours as I can't eat it all haha xx

  • Hello River


    how are you? Hope you are well


    my mum also has endometrial cancer and it has reoccurred in her lymph nodes 


    lots of best wishes xx