Hair loss - how long will it take before it all falls out?

Hi,so  far I have had one session of chemotherapy,  my hair started to fall out. How long before it will all fall out?

At the moment it's in my hairbrush, I am worried to wash it.

  • Hi Tilda,

    All mine fell out after 1 at chemo but they told me not would,

    I'm onn2 very strong chemo's, sonim wearing hats and bandana's at the moment,and the hospital gave me a lovely one for wearing at home or in bed if it's cold,and believe me it gets cold,you don't realise how much heat your hair keeps,best of luck with your treatment.


  • Thanks Angel,

    Good luck with your treatment too x

  • Hi Tilda 

    Mine started to come out a couple of weeks after my first session and then it pretty much all came out after my second. 

    I try not to worry too much about the hair loss and look at it as a sign that I am fighting back against the cancer.  

    All the best 


  • Hi Georgina, 

    You sound really positive, thanks for the advise

    Thanks for taking time to message me.


    Tilda x

  • Hi,


    I was on Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide for breast cancer. About 10 days after the first cycle my hair started falling out when I ran my fingers through it. Then the next day loads fell out in the shower leaving bald patches so my sister shaved it short for me. Over the next few days more fell out.


    It was very sudden too. One day I had hair and then it started to fall out dramatically. 


    I wore a soft tight cap which I bought from the Macmillan shop in the hosputal. My head used to get cold. Now it is 4 months since my last cycle of chemotherapy and my hair is back.


    Good luck with your treatment journey. You will get through it. 

  • Hi 

    Thanks for your message. My hair started to fall out 2 days ago, when I run my fingers through it. I am worried to wash it at the moment, but once it starts to fall out quickly I will ask my friend to shave it for me.

    I have a wig that is similar to my hair, I also bought one of those caps from the hospital for bed.

    I am glad you've finished your treatment and your hair is growing back.
