Fluid build up after mastectomy

I had masectomy and axillary lymph node removal  just over 2 weeks ago. 

The fluid build up seems to get worse in the evening and then calms down a bit in the day. Have just phone the breast Care nurses to see if I can have it drained, maybe it will be more comfortable.

Seems endless the problems from breast cancer and I haven't even started chemo yet, something else to look forward too.

Oh well, I have to go through it and now off to get my hair cut and highlighted, might as well have it looking nice as it may not be around for much longer! What Joy!

Always looking for that silver lining ........



  • Hi there ..

    Yea no xmas joy with cancer a  : ((  it doesn't respect it's this time of year .. if only it would take a brake ..

    I had my total right masectomy blow up after a couple of weeks two .. it looked like my boob was making a return .. had it drained twice ... it wasn't painful .. but weird seeing it deflate ... be extra careful as my scar turned a bit blue for a while ... but with anti biotics it soon settled ...  

    Good on ya getting your hair done ... it will help a tad to do a few things not cancer related .. well I hope you have a pieceful a Xmas as you can .. Chrissie xx

  • Thank you for reply. I phoned breast nurse and she said it's normal to have some fluid and only worry if it's red and inflamed and to take Ibuprofen. I'm walking and exercising in the hope that helps. If it gets worse I'll phone again. 
    Bit of respite now until oncology appointment. 
    Spoke to my hairdresser and she will fit me in anytime to have my cut short if need be. 
    Lovely thought.

    Hope you have a nice Christmas,


  • I am nearly 2 weeks post op with reconstruction with expander.  Had drains taken out after week one. Since having the drains taken out, getting fluid build up around the breast whixh makes it feel so tight and painful. Walking around or standing too long makes my breast hurt more, and swell more, so being laying down a lot. Am concerned about the swelling, and left a message for the breast nurse, but no one got back to me. No one''s going to be around on Christmas day, so got no one to ask. Should I be laying down so much, or trying to move around to help lymphatic drainage? Got to go back to clinic in 2 days.

  • I am 2 and half weeks post op and have some swelling. I phoned the breast nurse and she said it's quite normal to have fluid moving around but if it becomes red, swollen and painful then ring back. Take ibuprofen as it's anti inflammatory. Walking and exercise helps to keep it all moving, we are going for a dog walk today as it's bright and sunny. It's an awful thing to cope with this over Christmas but there are still doctors and nurses working to help you. I have chemo to look forward to in Jan but getting rid of these bad cancer cells make me feel better. 

    Sending healing vibes and best wishes 


  • Hi Ann,  I have been trying to go out for little walks,  but the pain in my shoulder and pressure round the breast gets more painful till I lay down. It's obviously  a drainage issue, and I am doing my exercises,  but will have to see what they say Friday.  My post op bra presses on the sore areas under my breast,  where the expander port is, so that's very painful to wear for long, although they say the bra should help with swelling. Just in a lot of pain around the breast and arm at the moment,  which only eases when I take the Co codamol at bed time. Don't want to take them during the day, as they make you sleepy, so am limited to paracetamol and ibuprofen during the day,  which doesn't seem to do a lot.  

  • Hi, I don't have an expander port and have not had much pain, just underarm is a bit sore.  Poor you, I think you definitely need to be seen. Im surprised the breast nurses haven't phoned you back.I phoned my own surgery once when I had nausea and that helped talking to a doctor. They have all your notes and she gave me a prescription over the phone straight to the pharmacy.  I haven't been wearing a bra just vest tops. I had a bad reaction to the anethestic and was in hospital for 3 nights with nausea and the drain was in all the time until I came out in the evening. Everyone is different so all I can  say is my own experience, sounds like you doing all the right things , hope its sorted soon and you feel better. 


    Silver x