Anyone else suffering post chemo flushing/face redness?

I suffer the most horrible red burning face for the first 4 days after my ABVD chemo. I've done some looking online and see that people on BC chemotherapy seem to get this because of the hormones, but can't see abyone with lymphoma treatment really talking about it.

Anyway, I just wondered if anyone has tips on how to ease it or cope ? My face constantly feels on fire those days and is bright red and glowing. I've had 6 sessions of chemo and I get this every time so I know it's normal for me. But any tips would be so gratefully appreciated!

Ive tried ice blocks but they make it almost worse because one I take them off my face it seems even hotter! Ah dear.

Thanks in advance :)


  • I'm sorry about the side effects you're currently contending with at the moment Rose.

    Hopefully some of our members will share their tips and advice on how they managed soon but you're more than welcome to have a chat about this with our cancer nurses. I think I may have given you their number before, but just in case I haven't or you can't find it, it's 0808 800 4040. The lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Do be sure to have a chat with your medical team about this (if you haven't done so already) as they should be able to help you manage them as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hi there, I hope you are well. This is something that started for me today, my face feels like it is on fire after my 1st chemo session yesterday. Did you manage to find a solution or way to cope? It did fade away for a few hours earlier but has since come back. I too have tried cold compress but no joy.

    Take Care 

  • hi my son is on ABVD and had the same. It generally lasts for 3 to 4 days . He just has fans and cool flannels. I’ve just bought a cooling pillow for him off Amazon so will be interested if that helps

  • I have this today after my 4th chemo sessiom cheeks and chest feel sunburnt going to try some aloe after sun to see if it helps