How long after post chemo scans do we get results?

How long after post chemo scans do we get the results? 

3 months and waiting!! CNS would not give results over the phone before we went on holiday! 

Not impressed and now can’t sleep! Only 8 days until next appointment. Feel so disappointed with the system and support

  • Hi there, just go and enjoy your holiday, we were left in limbo but apparently this is quite normal.  You feel slightly abandoned after treatment because it's all been so full on and you are being carefully monitored, then wham, you're on your own wondering what the hell is going on.  Because chemo keeps working they seem to want a scan months afterwards as it gives a truer reading.  I hope this helps a little and posting on this forum does help because we've all been through it!!  Good luck and sleep better.  Carol 

  • Thank you.

    i just wish I could. Anxiety is wining 10-0

    i am phoning GP tomorrow. We had scans 15th and 18th Dec. 

    Thank you for your reply x