Scan results waiting time

Hello..I've been a cancer patient for almost 11 years now. I've never been in remission but manage to live a fairly normal life. 

My question is how long is reasonable to wait for scan results? I used to get them the same day but over the last couple of years I've waited for anything up to 3 weeks..I don't have an appointment to get the results I normally just get an email or a call. 

How long do others wait for results? 

  • My routine CT scan results take about 3 weeks, my wife's routine MRI results (at a different hospital) take anywhere between 3 and 8 weeks. Neither is ideal and both have become longer over recent years. 

  • Thank you...8 weeks seems such a long time,not sure I would cope with that. 

    I've tried to go private for my scans but as I have such a rare cancer it's hard to find somewhere that will do the scans. 

    Oh well back to waiting I guess



    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer and a few false alarms in the past 9 years and never waited any longer than 2 weeks for results. Like you, I sometimes even got them on the same day.

    I had 2 biopsies for melanoma last Monday  and was told that it could take 4-6 weeks to get the results. I was advised to make an appointment for 4 weeks and have been given one for 4 months. I was told that this is the first appointment available. I was also informed that they never give results over the phone or by post and, the only thing I could do was to phone in regularly to see if there are any cancellations.

    Needless to say, I am not going to accept this.

    I hope that you get your results through soon. Can I ask what type of cancer you have? Mine is Mucinous and, only 1% of people get this type.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello.

    I've got a rare primary liver cancer (less than 200 cases a year worldwide).

    I've always had the results by phone,not too sure on getting them by email as If there is any growth then I'm going to have to call them anyway.

    Can you get your results sent to the GP..I certainly would not be waiting four months for an appointment. 

    Best wishes on your biopsy results. 



    Hi Essmum,

    Poor you. It is never easy dealing with such a rare disease.

    Have you tried phoning your consultant's secretary? Sometimes it pays just to remind them that you are waiting.

    Don't worry, I won't be waiting 4 months. I would hope that if I do need further surgery, I will have also had that before then. I go back to the hospital to get the stitches out of my face tomorrow, so will see what I can do then.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi 

    I am following your thread. 

    we are feeling the same and my husband had his scans in Dec and our appointment is mid March! 

    What is happening? 

    Hope you get yours soon


    Hi Caz,

    What an awful length of time to wait. I appreciate that you are getting close to mid-March now but, have you tried phoning his consultant's secretary to see if there are any cancellations?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Good idea 

    I will call

    in the morning.

    thank you x


    Hi Caz,

    Good luck. Let me know how you get on.

    I was told that the only way to get an earlier appointment was to phone regularly to see if there is a cancellation.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Jolamine I have a couple of CNS  who I usually call. My scan was only a few days ago so I guess I will just have to wait. 

    Good luck with getting the stitches removed tomorrow. I had a mole  removed from my back a few years ago..but thankfully it was just BCC. 



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