Throat/Tonsil Cancer - Our Blogs and Stories

Hi there,

Was disgnosed with throat/tonsil cancer July 18 and am now week 11 post treatment.
I have written a blog, warts and all, in the hope it can help others. I also have a thread that I started here under Living with Cancer also and titled "Radiotherapy for Throat Cancer"

I have now been encouraged by one of the moderators from here to start a fresh new thread to share my blog with others.

There are others who have written blogs/stories and moderator suggested it would be helpful to have a dedicated thread just for blog/stories and to let others read as they might might helpful.
So here is my link below  and I'm sure there are others who will follow and post their blog as well.

kind regards



  • Hiya

    Yeah, it's pretty manic out there.

    I lived and worked in Cambodia (and worked Vietnam/Laos) from 2009 - 2016. Either side of that, lived and workd in Spain (Fuengirola/Malaga).

    Decided to move back to blighty in 2018 - and boy, am I glad I did :-)

    Today was fine radio only - and they've also decided no chemo for me :-)

    W x


  • Hi W

    msnybsrent having chemo due to risk if compromise immunity I’ve 3 ladies going through itvat moment. They+ factor of 3 to 4 % increase against the 10 % risk that getting covid 19. 

    Theres been  lots of trials over the last few years reducing radiation and ni chemo for h p v + passengers   One if these is the compare trial which is showing excellent results. So take the positives no compromised immunity plus plus. 

    Good luck keep in touch  H x


  • Hello Radioactiveraz, I'm 3 weeks into radiotherapy for tonsil cancer for which I've been prescribed everyday for 7 weeks (weekends off) my mouth is in rather a state can barely open it but what I can see in the inside Is covered with thick off white sores which are rather large oh btw I had the tumour which was attached to my tonsil removed I also have a tube in my tummy to feed myself I believed they call it a RIG. OK  my question is this do you think it's thrush or large ulcers I'm rather embarrassed to show the staff as it looks so horrible. Yourself or any other sufferers could advice me I would be most grateful xxx

    kind refards Debbie xxx

  • Hi Debbie sorry you've found yourself on here. Best advise I can give you is tell your team never ever be embarrassed. If it's thrush which is common you need flucozonole ASAP. If it's ulcers you need gelclair. I had both and they don't go away in their own. 
    treatment is hard but I'm now 3 years post treatment. Please use your peg as well don't struggle 

    my blig may help

    hooe thys hekis remember your team sees this every day. 
    hazel x

  • Hi Radioactivraz

    Thankyou so much for your speedy response I will certainly bring it to there attention when I'm back tomorrow. I have also made a note of the meds you suggested and I will visit your blog. Once again Thankyou for your help 

    kind regards Debbie xxx

  • Hi Debbie no problem hspoy to help if I can. I might not always get back as quickly wecare in Spain at min living our life's. I know  exactly what you're going through I kerp in touch as people need to know life does go on . Just now you'll be wondering  xc

    Hazel xx