
I have received a letter today making appt. for Colonoscopy this Saturday having seen Consultant ten days ago - I was surprised to receive appt. so soon.   I contacted my Nurse Specialist about 'sedation' as I had high anterior resection , small bowel resection and right hemicolectomy last August and was advised they no longer give 'sedation' just gas and air for colonoscopy.     Whilst I have taken everything in my stride and done well, I am anxious that my bowel will not be 'relaxed' without sedation and I don't want to cause any damage to what is left of my bowel by not keeping still !!    Is this a new rule within the NHS - no sedation ?    I would be very grateful for any info. anyone has.    My cancer is Stage 4 and this is just to look at what 'might be going on' - not for further treatment.   Many thanks.

  • Hi there, I know what you mean about the colonoscooy as I am going through this at the moment.  Mine was done without even gas and air and I have just had another appointment Monday gone where I've refused to have it done again, so the consultant is doing a CT scan instead, a small camera, air pumped into bowel and a scan taken.  So why not contact the department where you are going and speak to a nurse on that ward to see if your concerns can be met, there's a saying Up North, shy bairns get nowt!  So take control of your treatment and help should be offered.  Good luck.  Carol x

  • Thank you Carol - that sounds a very good idea.