Pain in right ribs started 2 months after liver resection

I am worried because I have a severe pain in my right ribs and shoulder that has just started 2 months post liver resection/gall bladder removal.

I have had very reasonable pain prior to this.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what might be causing this? It feels like I have been kicked by a horse.


  • I'm sorry about the severe pain you've started to experience Ronnaldo. If it has become worse and is starting to get unmanageable do get in touch with your doctor or medical team as they'll be in the best position to advise you on this and be able to provide you with something to ease the pain.

    Hopefully some of our members who have also been in this position will pop by soon to offer their thoughts and advice but our cancer nurses are just a phone call away if you'd like to chat with them about this. You can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    I hope you're able to get this sorted out and are pain free again soon.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Ronnaldo, 

    How are things progressing? I’d be interested to know as I am also 2 months on from my liver resection and have recently begun to feel a rather “deep” pain by my ribs which doesn’t feel like the post- surgical pains I was having after surgery. I just wondered how you were getting on as there didn’t seem to be a response to your post. Like you, no doubt, I was hoping to see others with a similar experience. 

  • The pain has pretty much gone away. I think there may have been issues about fluid build up in the abdomin post op. Nothing really caused an issue till 2 months post op, possible regenerating liver and fluid fighting for space?

    Anyway it's much better now and have post operative twinges but they dont feel anyrhing as bad as the other pain, which was giving me breathing dificulties. I found I was better with weight on left side laying and sitting (might help you).

    In the end I went to ER and had a CT scan to check it out. They found nothing sinister and I have now gone on to have my bowel resected. Just started adjuvant chemo so fingers crossed.

    With me it was nothing but the trip to the ER put my mind at rest. The liver surgery is pretty intense so I think pain can be expected. I know how scarey this can all feel at the time. If you are worried get it checked out.

  • Thank you for your reply, Ronnaldo. This gives me some reassurance. I am going to see my surgeon tomorrow so I'll see if he thinks that it's too early for another MRI.

    Wishing you all the very best with your chemo. Would love to know how you get on if you fancy keeping us posted. 

  • I too am experiencing the same pain at right side of ribs. My cancer was caught early and they say I am cancer free. This pain though worries me, although my surgeon did say that I would experience some discomfort but eventually it would go. Now don't know whether should go to doc or wait till my next scan. Taking ibuprofen and that does help. Any one with similar.



  • How long is it since yur procedure? When I saw my surgeon he told me that he was 99% confident that it was too early for the pain to be result of further mets. (This was 8 weeks after surgery.) He felt that it must be post-surgical pain, the result of being stitched over a number of layers of tissue. I have to say that the pain has subsided in the interim and is now a bit more sporadic. I am due a CT next week which will be 5 months after surgery. 

  • I had my liver resection done Dec 18. If I do too much I still get the odd niggle around my scar area. When I discussed my pain with the consultant a few months back, he said remember we have to have you open wide enough to fit both hands of my surgeon!