Colouring grey hair after chemo

how soon after chemotherapy can I dye my hair? I have nearly three months of hair growth, still short, everyone says it suits me but I just cannot get my head around it as it is so different to before? 

  • I did color mine after chemo and radiation to head approx 2 months later and all was fine

  • Hi,

    I finished chemo in October and just dyed mine with a semi permanent as I was almost all grey despite being 36 lol. It took well and had no sections so I'd say you're pretty safe to go ahead.

    Candice x

  • Oh that's good to know, my hair has just started coming back, 6 weeks after chemo. It's pure white, not even grey and like fine baby hair, going to take a while yet, my wig will be on for a while yet.

  • When i asked McMillan nurses, they said about 6 mths,,  just had mine done, and its the best feelign ever,, from the horrid grey,, looked like my dead mother,,, sorry mum,, but it put 20 yrs on me,, and at 62  i dont need more lol...

    Sooooooo wonderful now,,, ok need to get colour right, as not sure how this new hair will react , and went for a blond, as mone before was lgiht, from colour i had used and many years in the sun,,,

    It felt, like 2 tons had been lifted off my chest when i looke din the mirror,,,,, ohhh i cant explain how floaty i felt,,,

    Dont think anyone , like hubby, or family , mates know how it felt,, and when one family member, commented on my FACEBOOK pic,, next time have some hi lights.,,, i got angry,,, this was a milestone for me,, and the transformation in my looks, and how i felt was enourmous,,, why had this person dampened it for me!!!

    Since ive just had my eyebrows and lashes tinted, never had this sort of thing ever b4,, but eyebrows back but light and grey in them,, lashes when i dont use mascara,, as never do make up in the day,, only if i go out,, always been like that... but as im sort of wishy washy at the mo,, this TINT,, hads also made sooo much difference,,,

    Have added some pics of b4 and after...

    Go get a colour everyone,, after 6 mths,, have a test b4 hand,, as your skin changes after chemo,,,xxx

    PS IT LOOKS MUCH LIGHTER THAN IT IS, IN FOTO,, LIKE SILVER ,, BUT ITS NOT, THE WHITE STREAK I HAVE,, will never colour,, it never has,, looks like a tint now,, lol

    [[ ]]

  • Hi, how lovely, it’s just great having hair again, I’m still using the colour shampoos atm. I’m having a lovely holiday and keeping my hair in a hat. It’s so light but thickening up a bit, can’t wait till I get my first cut and colour when I get home. Well done for taking plunge and getting another piece of YOU back together again. No one really knows what it’s like till you have been through it. Best wishes xx

  • Hi candice my name is maria .I had chemo in 2017 and have been on mychophenolate and 5mg of steroids hair is very grey at the top and ive previously lost a lot but came back on and off. Can you tell me if you used a dye that covers the grey which i didnt have before.? Thanks.


  • Hi, I know how important hair is to you ladies, but not so much for most men I guess.
    Before chemo my hair was kind of mousy coloured and very thick, and I never really liked it. However, I'm almost at the end of my chemo -  5 of 6 sessions done. After my first session my hair started to fall out, but only on the sides and went a blueish silver grey and is as soft as a baby. Seems a bit strange for it to waft when I open a door though!! 
    I absolutely love the colour and, I hope it stays that way but grows on the sides again! :) 
    One thing chemo has done for me though is save me about £100 on haircuts and razors LOL 


  • HI,, eole,said same to me, but didnt like it,,, i went about 3 to 4 mths growth, got hairdresser to look, she did a test first,,, all was ok, and then had a colour done,, Talk to them first,, let them know its new groth, and get somebody who knows hair,,



  • My understanding is that is it is still weak, best to avoid harsh things like permanent and bleach until about 6 months, but you can use more natural e.g. henna, after a few weeks. Try a spot test first, and also ask your hairdresser - or find one with experience who can advise based on the strength of your hair.

    I'm nearing the end of my chemo and I needed to the greys when it started, longing to get it sorted! Good luck.x

  • hello

    i have dyed my hair with none amonia hair dye becareful of the colour you choose i chose dark brown and it turned out lighter more reddish light brown as i am pure white now after chemo december 2019. texture of my hair has always been ok as i was recommended to use Body Shop  pre shampoo coconut oil. Takecare hope all goes well.

    kind Regard


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