Stoma Reversal

Good morning

I have had a storma for nearly 3 years now and i am due to have the reversal in December this year. I am worried about what happens when it is reversed with regards to going to the toilet and getting back to normal.

if anyone can shed any light on this

  • Hi Hellana, 


    What a gorgeous name! 

    Anyway, bravo for getting this far - you're doing fabulous! 


    I am thank goodness still doing great! The op itself is so much smaller and doesn't seem to have knocked me about like the biggy did, and I haven't got any pain, or that washed out exhaustion...I'm not far off feeling totally normal and little wound is healing like a dream! 

    On the pooping side of things, thankfully that's still all going well! Introduced some vegetables 2 days ago (what bliss! Tomatoes, chick peas and peppers...oh what joy! Going to try some mushrooms today- what heaven!) So for some details...sorry...but it certainly is what I would want to read about...knowledge is power etc! 

    I have the feeling I want to go a lot...and that increased when I added veg. But I try very very hard not to rush to loo every time and at least half the time it's just wind...I don't want my brain/body thinking that every little feeling results in pooping! My movements are still smallish softish poops, like kids poop really...yesterday a did need about 5/6 visits through morning after veg night before...but totally manageable- and not as bad as I thought it was going to be! 

    Biggest recommendations are drink loads...I drink minimum 3 litres a day...always have...hydration is sooooo important! And do pelvic floor exercises- from now! All the time! Like any muscle, the more you use them, the stronger they get! Stop your pee EVERY time you go to the loo will be thankful after your op!


    All the best Hellana, (and Mike next week!) and don't hesitate to yell if you ever want to chat - one step at a time x 



    Wonky Jen 


  • Hello Mikey132,

                             now that you are about to lose George l hope you have brushed up on your quickstep moves,speed training is essential over the initial period,as is once again experiencing the novelty of using loo roll once more,and go for the softest available.And one piece leathers are probably not the greatest choice for a wee while,as are belts,buckles and anything that gets in the way of rapid dropdown.

                     Going forward it helps to bear in mind there is no bowel the same and you have to find what works for you through trial and error.Five years on from my reversal my bowel is still changing,all for the better.l had secondary spread to my liver which meant l lost my gallbladder with the result that l produced excessive bile that irritated the bowel lining.Eventually l discovered colestrymine powder,and now take one sachet in the evening,and one loperimide in the morning which keeps me to one loo visit in the morning and one in late evening,with full control to allow me to get out and about.l did invest in a motorhome during my recuperation to allow me to get out and about with my own facilities,and a couple of portable loo's positioned about my workhops and buildings helped.l also found that bending,kneeling down and sitting for any length of time was not helpful,upright and on the move was definately better

                                                             Although l would probably count as one of the more excessive cases l have to tell you the decision to reverse has never been regretted once even through the most trying of times,and l am living my life happy,so l hope you will soon be able to do the same.

                               As a footnote my neighbour was diagnosed a year before me and probably saved my life by raising my own awareness.He too lost his bowel very low down,and has made a great recovery  and was out and about all over the world in his professional role,

                                                                                                       We all lose friends but l am sure that the demise of George is something that you will come to look upon with a smile,

                                                             best wishes for this Tuesday,



  • Thanks for the message David, just got back from my pre op and a covid test. Strangely looking forward to Tuesday as can't wait for George to be gone. He's obviously not happy about it, as he decided to explode out of the bag while I was having the tests!

    I'll let everyone know how it's going when George has finally bitten the dust



  • Hello Mikey132,

                          the thought just struck me that maybe we should have a naming confessional,mine was called vesuviarse due to the regular explosions,you have just got to have a wry smile and a sense of humour when you have a stoma as a dance partner,

                                                                                    Heres to George,shortly gone but not forgotten,



  • What inventive names you've all used and great to hear about them.  I suppose that from the outset since they said it could be reversed I never felt close enough to him (definitely male) to give him a name.  Now retrospectively it might have helped!


    Now one thing no-one's mentioned is that test they give you after the reversal to check there are no internal leaks.  For me I recollect it was about 3 or 4 weeks after the reversal and they had you in for an O/P appointment to pump liquid up from the bottom (sorry about the visual reality here) - I suppose there was an x-ray opaque element of some sort in it - and then they took some x-rays.  There were no problems and at the time I thought that if there had been, it would have become obvious much sooner anyway - so what was the point? 


    So after the test, what goes in must come out and they advised me to sit around for a while near the loo and await results.  Which weren't long in coming.   And after about 25 minutes I thought that's all over then.  Big mistake.  In my lovely Lexus IS 250 Sportcross - fortunately leather seats - couldn't hold on any more on the M25 between Ashford and Woking - and a wet accident ensued.  So my advice is, wait at least an hour before venturing out away from a loo.  No great problem but not much fun at the time.  


    And nothing more to report really.  As I noted in my March post, really this is all well in the past and everything continues to be entirely new normal now.  The only difference I notice is that frequency and regularity are a little less routine than in the past but no problem.  


    So good luck to you all  So good luck to you all as reversals go on and keep the news coming.


    All the best



  • Hi Frank I had that leakage test before they decided I could have the reversal. I’ve not heard of anyone having to re have it! I’m on the count down now, generous George (he’s always giving) goes tomorrow afternoon!...then we’ll see how long it takes to get back to normal...hopefully I’ll be one of the lucky ones but fully prepared if not. In fact, George must know he’s going as he had a last hurrah (leakage) while I was having my pre op tests on Saturday I’ll let you all know Mike
  • Hi all

    well that's it! Generous George is history and hernia repaired!
    Reversal op now done. Took place 8 days ago.

    I have to say, I've been lucky so frantic rushing to the loo yet. Going probably 2-3 times daily, obviously very loose but no soreness.

    I've had a couple of episodes of involuntary 'passing' during the night but the adult 'nappies' I was recommended have been brilliant....even if I have to wear them back to front!

    I'm hoping this will eventually pass and I'll soon get back to the new normal, whatever that will be. So glad I had the op done.

    I'll keep you all informed as to progress but at the moment feeling positive 


    best wishes to all


  • Hello Mike,

                      just passing by and asking how you are coping with the "new you"that replaced "george".l am guessing that by now you should be up to speed and none to shabby on your 0-10 mtr acceleration, hopefully though you have control of your forward motion and are heading in the right direction,


  • Just found this chat. Little Paul, my stoma, arrived September 2020. It's named after a good friend of mine who is an irritating little s@@t. Initially, we did not get on but you learn to be organise, always have a replacement pack etc etc. My general health really improved. I did develop a pretty big hernia. I got back to all the things I liked doing; golf, gym, cycling. 

    Anyway, a year later on 27 September 2021 I had the reversal. It took 2 days for it too work and now it can be like a tap!! I am told this will get better!!  I also get some pretty severe spasms in my gut which certainly make the eyes water!!  They gradually wear off!! Just had an accident in my sleep. Previous, I have woken up before this has happened!! Fortunately, it wasn't disaster. I see some people here have used I've night nappies. No very dignified but I think necessary for me now!!  Any recommendations. I am a 34 in waist, 88kg and 5ft 9ins. Thanks in advance. I'll let you know how this progresses as I think I'm in for the long haul!!

  • Hi,

    congrats on the reversal! I had mine reversed in July 2020....just over a year now and everything seems to be finally settling down! I still have to be wary what I eat and little 'accidents' can happen but as the muscles down there strengthen it gets better. I still wear a small pad round the rear end but this is more a confidence thing which I don't really need and I'll lose soon. I too had a large hernia at the stoma site but they sorted this at reversal

    It just takes a while, be patient, most important thing for me was discovering what I could eat and what affected me

    good luck