Does anyone suffer with sweating after Lymphnode removal thank you ..
Does anyone suffer with sweating after Lymphnode removal thank you ..
Welcome to Cancer Chat Mars17 although I'm sorry to read that you are suffering from sweating after your lymph node removal.
Although you don't say what you are being tested for we do have many members on the forum that have had their lymph nodes removed and now that I've replied to you I'm sure some of them will see your post and stop by to share their experiences with you. If the sweating is excessive or causing you distress it may be worth contacting your GP or medical team to see if there is anything they can do to help.
I hope the sweating stops soon Mars17.
All the best,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi Mars
I'm very interested to hear of any answers as I have just had a tumour and nodes removed from my axilla. I keep getting sensations of sweat trickling down but it is dry. My wound area is numb but surrounded by hypersensative skin which is unpleasant to massage. I will see the surgeon next week to see if he thinks these effects might be permanant or just nerve damage which will eventually diminish.
I hope you get some response here.
Lordy yes! But it does stop, don’t worry!
I've recently undergone a masectomy reconstruction and lymph node clearance the sweating is awful has soon as I start moving I'm dripping especially around my back and head ...I'm waiting for further treatment hoping it will subside but I'm doubtful xxx