I had a mastectomy on the 5th of October , i had the drain removed on the 9th and a few days later i started to get fluid around the scar and under my armpit , i went back on the 18th for all the dressings removed the surgeon said there was too much fluid and he drained it he took 300ml out of my chest but on the way back to my car i could feel the fluid collecting again under my armpit . Now 4 days later its still swollen and almost looks like my breast has tried to grow back lol . everytime i do the arm exercises it seemes to swell a little bit more . Does anyone know is this normal ? do i need to go back to the hospital ? I had a mastectomy and full lymph node removel , i have 1 scar that goes from the center of my chest under my armpit its a big scar. its not red or warm just very swollen .