Lung cancer and chest pain

My partner has T3 lung cancer, we had chemo and radio which finished about 6 weeks ago. For the last couple of weeks he has had a chest pain - sounds like wind symptoms (and he seems to have an awful lot of that too!!!). He is convinced that it's the tumour growing. 


He is having a scheduled CT scan later this week and then sees the consultant next week. So we will know then. 


In the mean time, is he likely to be right? Is there anything he can take to ease the pain (either for wind - something more effective than rennies or general). Or do we just wait??? 






  • Hi

    Sorry read your post and I am afraid I don't have any advice for what your husband may be able to do about this pain. Just wanted to tell you that my husband is suffering what sounds like a similar thing, in fact when I read it I wondered if I had posted it ! My husband had radiotherapy , 30 treatments over 15 days and chemotherapy at the same time. He is due his last cycle of chemo next week. This pain you describe is far worse now than before , we were also thinking that it was down to some Tumour growth but maybe not. It doesn't help either your husband or mine but as they are both suffering it could be that it is more likely to be a side effect of treatment . We see the oncologist tomorrow so will let you know what help she is (if any). 

    Hang on in there. 


  • Hello. Thank you for replying. Sorry to hear that you have all this going on too. I don't think we had really thought about it being a side affect of radiotherapy as that finished 6 weeks ago and the pain only started a couple of weeks ago. But they did say that side affects could last sometime. So maybe that is the case. We had chemo before the radio. Can't imagine how much of a drain having both at the same time is on his system (and yours!) But could explain the side affect being worse and sooner. T took anti inflammatory pain killer yesterday and that did help. Although his mind was also preoccupied with a broken tap!!! I think we are both struggling with the waiting and not knowing. Makes the mind work overtime. Hope your oncology appointment gives you comfort and good news. Xx
  • Hi, I know mine is different,I had breast cancer 4 years ago and had a lot of side effects from radiotherapy and still getting them now.Last year I was diagnosed with MDS a cancer of the blood and bone marrow,I am ok, but it does make you wonder,but on a brighter note I am still here to tell the story,best wishes x

  • Hello again

    We saw the oncologist today and she said the pain is a side effect of the radiotherapy. She has prescribed some medicine which may help with the eating and drinking. My husband has now got to have more radiotherapy which has come as a huge blow to us, I had read that this was a possibility but until it was definite I was hoping that it wouldn't happen. And so it goes on. Hope your husband is not still suffering the pain. 

    Love Chris. X

  • Jipster - I had no idea the after effects could go on so long after treatment. Just shows what a massive deal the treatment is. Sorry to hear of your latest troubles. But living each day is the best way to be - keep writing the story to be told. X Thank you so much for letting me know Chris. He still has some pain, so it's good to be able to put his mind at rest a little that this is the likely cause. I think since I told him he seems a little more relaxed. I am so sorry to hear that you have to have more radio. It really is pants. The list is endless. But I hope that, at some point, he is able to have a few 'normal' days for you both to enjoy together. We have the oncologist appointment on Wednesday to find out what is next for us. Just hope for the best, expect the worst at the moment I think. He cooked a mean roast dinner yesterday, so all is not lost!! ;-) Take care of you both. Ann x