The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Ahhh Sandra thanks - feel bit better today - sweated it out. Here's hoping you don't catch it - I couldn't get out of bed or walk without my knees buckling under me!

    If you don't want bad withdrawal symptoms maybe wean yourself off it? I have no choice but to take tamoxifen and it gives so many side effects so cannot wait to come off it!

    Have a lovely Xmas and stay well - enjoy that time with loved ones.


    Wow Beachbabe,

    What fantastic news! - Congratulations to both of you and I hope that you'll be very happy.

    I am delighted to hear that your mum's lump turned out to be a cyst. What a relief that must have been for both of you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Sandra,

    Like Jbains, I have been hit with this dreaded lurgy and thought that I was having a stroke, when it was so bad. Fortunately, I'm on the mend now. I hope that you had a Happy Christmas with your family.

    It is hard to believe that your 5 years are up already, although you don't seem too sure about stopping Letrozole. I was initially given Tamoxifen, but this was changed to Letrozole when I had the second bout withing the first year. I was told that I would be taking this for 5 years, then after taking it for 2 years, I was informed that the new protocol was for 10 years. 

    Seven and a half years after my initial surgery, I was advised to stop taking the Letrozole and informed that because Mucosal cancer is not that aggressive and mine was at an early stage, there was no benefit for me continuing to take it for longer. It was a big thought to suddenly stop treatment, but I have felt much better since stopping it.

    I hope that the news is good for you after your next dexa scan and that you too can then reap the benefit of coming off it.

    Here's wishing you and everyone else on this thread, Peace, Joy and Contentment for 2023.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you so much. So excited. 

    Happy new year everyone. Let's hope it's a happy and healthy one x 


    Hi Dizzzle,

    I am delighted to hear that you've been 'off the wagon' now for 11 months - I'm  so happy for you. THe new job sounds a big improvement - it must be great to leave your work behind you as soon as you leave for the day. I imagine that the extra time with your family will be an added bonus too.

    Congratulations on your second wedding anniversary and on the forthcoming new addition to the family - chemo certainly doesn't seem to have adversely affected your fertility! 

    I am so glad to hear that life is going well for you, although sorry to hear about your family. This is not the end of the world. You now have your own family to concentrate on and, so long as you have love and understanding there, you will get by. I haven't had my family in my life since I was in my 20ies. Instead I have concentrated on my chosen family and have never regretted it. Ironically, now that I'm in my 70ies, they are trying to make contact again.

    I hope that the coming year is kinder to you than the last and wish you, continued strength, joy and contentment in 2023 - you deserve it!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Jbains,

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been hit with the dreaded lurgey too. It has been a particularly nasty dose. I thought that I was about to have a stroke at one point and had to contact 111. Now under GP and additional meds are helping, but have to see him again at the end of the week.

    I hope that you are on the mend again now and that you have a Healthy and Happy New Year.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Good morning all on the first day of the year!!

    I for one am glad to make it through another year! It had its challenges but I made it! 
    This flu/virus tends to hit us harder for some reason? I'm still chesty and breathless a bit but on the mend. It's a little blip that'll pass.

    I pray that each and one of you have a healthy, happy and exciting year!!! 
    I am thinking what to do next - jumped out of a plane, celebrated my birthday every weekend of the month, went to watch Magic Mike so this year have to think about what crazy thing I want to do!

    The sun is out on this glorious day and whatever this year brings me I am thankful. It's been 5 years since my first diagnosis and 2 since the second so onwards and upwards! My only grievance is this rib pain I've had since 2020 which I think I've found a solution - am trying to get to see the right medical practitioner which I tell you has been a big challenge!!! 
    So my lovely "chatters" live love and laugh to the fullest and make the most of each day by starting with today.

  • Hi Sandra, o too have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, not started chemo yet, see oncologist on the 10th, I'm positive thinking all the way, sending love and hugs, hope all goes well for you xx

  • Hi Jeanie

    im so sorry I didn't respond to your post sooner... been a little while since I checked in on here. 

    I hope you are as well as can be expected. Your post was such a positive one .. the treatment can be a bit of a roller coaster but a positive outlook can go a long way in rolling your sleeves up and getting the job of treatment done and dusted. 

    I was diagnosed 6 yrs ago on 10th of August ( the date of diagnosis kinda sticks with you )... so I'm now back onto routine recall for mammograms ( my cancer was caught from a routine screening appointment).

    Again .. I'm so so sorry I didn't check in sooner ... I hope you will let me know where you are now in your treatment. Sending hugs x


  • Hello peeps! Been a long while since I've been on here but I hope you are all doing okay.

    Jeanie welcome to cancer chat. This forum was my saviour on my first diagnosis and support so please do keep us posted. It is quite the journey and having done it twice I am still here so the positivity is great. You will have moments where you will not be able to be so positive but that's okay. Process those feelings as and when they come and I for one found talking about it with fellow cancer warriors really helped. Everyone deals with it all very differently and everyone reacts differently to every stage of this journey so there is no judgement whatsoever on this chat. I hope you don't suffer with too many side effects and they cure that *** cancer! The best thing is you've been put on the radar and are getting treated.

    So what I've discovered is there isn't a support group for cancer in my area so am surging forward with this. I've learned even more being on the different groups at Kings College and will hopefully be on a recruitment panel to help recruit staff who have the right ethos as a patient representative. I am also on the Cancer Patient Voices Group.  This is my keeping my brain active, giving back and using all my years of experience in my various roles. I have officially hung up my working life as I want to enjoy my life and do what I want - not what I have to. My gorgeous pup Toby keeps me smiling even thru my hard days - yes still physically have limitations but onwards and upwards!!!  Life gives many curveballs but you have no choice but to catch them but a choice to gain that strength to chuck that curveball back! I am extremely fortunate I am at this stage in life to be able to do all I do so thank you to the universe, God and whomever else has come in my life!