The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hey everyone,

    just catching up with all your posts. It's been a long time since I've checked in. Mainly due to just concentrating on my recovery which I'm pleased to report is going really well. 200 days tomorrow without a drink....that will be 7 months on the 23rd. 
    I am back home with my family and social services have closed our case. I honestly feel like the luckiest person in the world. I have worked extremely hard on my 12 step program and it really does keep me going. Sobriety is the best thing to have ever happened to me. Its given me my life back!

    The police decided on no further action and I am now working as a Macmillan buddy where you get placed with people who are diagnosed and support them on their journey. 
    I did my first top table share at an aa meeting the other week where you basically tel you life story. Jamie came and watched and actually cried. The last 7 months have been such an emotional rollercoaster to us as a family....even prior to that, but we now have a chance to be happy and I can be the best mummy in the world to my beautiful little cherubs!

    Beach is was really pleased to hear your mum needs no further treatment and I also followed bowelbabe and have done for the last 4 years. What a truely amazing woman who has given so much to research and a huge lost to the world!

    I hope everyone else is doing good. I love how we all go months then a little post crops up on my emails and it's like reuniting with long lost friends.

    massive love to you all xxxxxx


  • Hi dizzle  really glad things have worked out well for you and everything is going so well you, family and job. Keep up the good work. 

    Love Billy xxxx 


  • Hi everyone!!! Wow Sandra - 5 years - you made it!!!! Can't believe our chats started that long ago when it was all new and scary.

    So nice to catch up with everyone's posts. 
    I'm still being checked like crazy - recent endometrial biopsy all clear. Very thankful indeed. My hospital has now become my local! Am there so often!

    Very sad news about Olivia Newton-John but she did incredible things to help research into breast cancer and medicines. I can honestly say cbd oil is the only thing that's helped take that but of an edge off my pain. Like she said - still a privilege to be alive. 
    Hope everyone isn't suffering too much in this extreme heat. Stay blessed and hope you are able to enjoy the rest of the summer.

    And Dizzle - well proud of you!  You go woman!!!!

  • Hi all, starting with the bad finish with the good. 

    Brenda had a really bad uti and finished up threatening me and throwing things around including at carers they said i was at risk so called police 5hours later police still here and called ambulance carer still here as well as police have to go 2hours later ambulance arrived checked Brenda only thing they could do take her to hospital she was still playing up, went to County hospital, early morning now about 3 o'clock. I lay down no sleep,  phone up about 9oclock Brenda moved to psychiatric ward as she hit a nurse. Couldn't visit for 2 weeks. 

    Managed to arrange visiting twice a week Brenda was happy to see me. 

    I was having trouble with my cancer meds and 0ncologist told me to stop stop them for 2 months see if i improve. 

    After 5 weeks got phone call from Brenda's ward her meds have caused heart failure so she's off meds, week later she's got pneumonia, im thinking #####, .

    Brenda gets other problems and taken to hospital A&E she's there 3 days then MEAU 2 days then normal ward and i can visit. Brenda thought id given up on her nobody told her about no visiting on certain ward. 

    Next visit covid on im allowed in but last visit, i phoned daily after a week told Brenda going to covid ward she's had it a week so 3 days and another ward and told they are arranging for more to psychiatric hospital again so i phone up and Brenda's bed is taken, they understand Brenda is being moved to a care home. So i played hell and said she's coming home to me, i went to hospital told reception im taking her home they checked paperwork said she's supposed to go back to psychiatric ward i said no she's coming home so they changed paperwork. Got Brenda home soon after.  

    Phoned Dr and explained that Brenda home not psychiatric ward, they changed their notes so everything legal and we are very happy to be back together after 5 months apart. 

    Hope my friends liked my story not quite finished yet. Last week i arranged water sample and Dr's phoned all clear yesterday Dr phoned up Brenda's water not clear she needs antibiotics, dr actually asked why i did water sample as Brenda hasn't any symptoms, i know UTI doesn't always have symptoms i explained expecially in elderly. 

    Just as well i did. 

    Love you all my dear friends  ,Billy xxxx 


  • Ahhh that's fantastic news lass well done you turning your life around like that. Lot of work but you my girl have done it.... a virtual high five sent your way ️

  • Wow Billy bless... so much on your shoulders and all while not being well yourself. Heart like a lion award definitely goes to you ️

    Keep up the good fight... try to get some you time.. you deserve it. 

    tell Brenda I'm asking after her X

  • Good morning all

    ive not posted on here for a while but I'm hoping one of you lovely  people out there might be able to talk. I'm in s bit of a state at thr moment.

    Quick catch up - 

    diagnised with endometrial cancer 2018

    discharged from hospital 2021 after initial treatment and follow up appointments

    husband had colon removed and fitted with stoma bag 2019 and diagnosed with stage 5 kidney failure 2021 and now on dialysis

    so now I'm in the health limelight again. I've had a pain in my right side and upper abdomen for the last 6 weeks. I've been treated for a uti, kidney infection and sludge in my gall bladder, in the meantime a routine blood test showed iron deficiency anaemia so because I am over 60 I was put on a 2ww referral to the colorectal team at thr local hospital. Whilst Ive been waiting I went to A&E with the pain in my side and they did a ct scan which revealed the gallbladder sludge and I was given antibiotics. The pain improved but has not gone.
    I was contacted last week by a colorectal consultant who wants to carry out both a camera into my stomach and a ct colonography. He said that the original ct scan shows distension and what looks like a twist in my bowel.

    I hate tests. And of course I googled what both cancer research and the nhs said about both tests. Well that finished me. I'm a type 1 diabetic so both tests are difficult because you can't eat for a period before and you need to clear bowels which will affect my diabetes control. The thought of a camera down my throat makes me gag and I can't lie on my stomach for the ct scan due to severe back and neck pain.

    so now I'm on that roller coaster, merry go round again, I feel sick. I'm having panic attacks and not coping well. Please help.


  • Hello Sundial so lovely to hear from you albeit going thru all you are. Life throws many curveballs. I'm so sorry you're in pain but the good thing is you're on the radar, they've pinpointed what may be and once you've had the camera put in they'll get a better idea. Sigh....dr Google isn't always the best as it puts the absolute worst case scenario. One day at a time, Sundial. Each day brings joy and sadness and how we react is in our control. After all you have been thru I can do understand how you're feeling.

    When are they doing the camera investigation?

    Life is hard - my husband had a heart attack a month ago, my daughter (23 yrs old) collapsed so had all that going on whilst still hardly able to cope with my issues. But we are all here for each other and you will get through this - one day at a time. Worry and stress exacerbates any pain we have but I found meditation has helped me greatly.

    Please do let us know and keep us posted. Big massive virtual hug and lots of strength - you've got this! You've already climbed one mountain in 2018 and come out the other side. ️ ️ ️

  • Thank you for your reply.

    I've no date for the camera yet. I'm having the ct scan first but no date for that either, I have got a follow up appointment with the consultant on 7 October to review ct results so I expect it will be soon.

    I know what you're saying about stress and anxiety is true, I'm usually a very balanced human being but the last few year have rocked my boat massively. I use breathing exercises to help but sometimes I just get so overwhelmed by everything. I'm often stuck in thr house because I don't drive and can't walk far and this doesn't help.


    I'll let you know how I get on and thanks again for your post.


  • Hi Sundial... just seen your post. I'm so sorry to be reading what you are going through. Bless... I'm not surprised you feel as you do's like life is relentlessly chip, chip, chipping away at you and yours. Can you post to say where things are at now please. We all know the waiting is always the pits and takes its toll. Sending a warm embracing hug your way lass ️