The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi sundial 

    bless that's a tough 3mths with your hubby. I hope things are at least levelling out now.

    it will be 4 yrs in August since my diagnosis..... when first told my diagnosis I didn't think id be here 4yrs down the line. All n all I've a lot to be thankful for. Over a yr since I've had a face to face too. They cancelled my annual check up and then  6 moths later the nurse rang to see how I was. By the time my next check up is due it will be 2 yrs since I had a face to face. 
    I love your Teddy... there's something right their to give soothing balm to the soul ️

    take care a good luck for your check up x

  • Yay - 4 years - so so happy you're almost at the five year mark! Keep doing what you've been doing! Life is a funny thing but we should always take a moment to be thankful for the little blessings which are big to us.

    Its so so so cold out! Guess we had our two days of summer awhile back! Keep warm!

    I am now 2 weeks since treatment and side effects have kicked in but energy levels have definitely improved! I always make sure I get a walk in every single day whether it short/long slow/fast no matter how I feel and it has helped. Now just to start ever so slowly on the strength training! I'm just so thankful I have anti sickness meds and strong painkillers this time!! The care I've had from the nhs has been amazing and I'm very thankful. Despite this pandemic I'm thankful my operation and treatment  went ahead.  I'm not thankful though to be in this position again. But life throws us curveballs and we just have to get in with it.

    We have all got this and keep warm! Snuggle time with my little pup!


    Hi Sundial,

    It's great to hear from you again, even though I'm so sorry to hear of all that you've both been through. It sounds hopeful that they may have identified the root cause of hubby's problems and is a positive thing that there are treatments. It has been so tough not being able to visit loved ones in hospital, especially when your hubby was in for so long.

    I hope that you are keeping well and that things start to improve for you both soon. I love the look of Teddy - looks really adorable.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Jbains,

    I am delighted to hear that your energy levels are picking up and, I'm sure that all your walking has helped. Sorry to hear that the side-effects have kicked in, but glad to hear that you have your armoury of medical ammunition ready this time.Life certainly throws curveballs at times, but we're really very fortunate to have the NHS behind us, no matter how we moan about it.

    You have been lucky to get both your surgery and treatment in these current times of the pandemic and, I sincerely hope that there'll be no recurrences this time.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Afternoon peeps... all quite on the western front... hope all is well with everyone.

    Bad:- well did my back in 3 wks ago so 2 wks of trying to keep still so back didn't go into spasm.  Next came down with a head cold... sigh.... lost voice, headaches nd generally unwell. The after waiting 6 wks finally got results of Dexa Scan....I now have Osteopenia. .... of course I do. Well comes in 3s as they say.  

    Good:- Both granddaughters at school again after one had to isolate due to someone in her class diagnosed with Covid. I have once again hung up the teachers hat. Things need to really get better soon I've not had to know about trapeziums, carol charts, irregular quadrilaterals and rhombus shapes since I was at school :laugh: barely managing the school work for an 8 yr old can't take another year older. 

    sun is actually shining.... between showers lol but still a bit chilly. Still managed to get a bit of gardening done ( I hate gardening). 

    anwhose... hope everyone is as well as they can be ... sending love a hugs x


  • Hi Sandra - oh dear sounds like you've been through the wars! Are you on meds now for the osteopenia? Hope they're keeping an eye on the bone density. Hopefully you'll get it under control and are on the up with your back. I had really bad back issues since 2009 but bought myself a Cyclossage machine - it helped so much and exercises.

    Since last posting have been to a&e and just not feeling great so been poked and prodded - body cc scan, head ct and head mri - was getting very bad headaches and face went numb top of right cheek. All was fine but they saw something on left lymph node so it then got sent to the breast care team. I hadn't heard nothing so assumed all is fine. Nurse called me on Tuesday to ask how I was feeling and told her still not too great but breast still swollen and pain but I assume that's due to radiation. She said best to get checked by consultant to be sure. So off I went and had ultrasound scan to see if fluid but she also saw a lymph node on left side not "normal" but could be due to op/treatment and went to look at my ct scan and then came back telling me she wants to take a biopsy to be sure. Results on 29th. This all does seem to be going on a bit too long for my liking!

    So let's see what life holds for me. Still early days but cannot wait for the day of feeling better. Sigh......

  • Hi Sandra,

    I'm sorry to hear of your latest challenges and hope that the back is on the mend. The results of the Dexa Scan certainly weren't what you wanted to hear, but at least it's treatable. 

    Like you, I've been learning more from my 8 year old granddaughter than I learnt at school and my 13 year old's work is way too advanced for me!


    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jbains,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well and that you have had to have scans and biopsy again. Here's hoping that the lymph node will be the result of previous treatment and nothing more. 

    No doubt this will be another anxious wait for you until 29th.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be good news for a change, as you are certainly due some.


    Jolamine xx

  • Hi ... back seems ok (don't even know what I did to it). Will have a look at the cyclossage machine... never heard of them lol. Head cold all gone yay. No not on any meds for the osteopenia. Re scan in 2 yrs. it's mild and in my left hip... thought something was up because she re scanned my left hip and leg. Lots of advice around diet and exercise.... let's face it the problem is the Letrozole. 

    honestly I felt 100% fine until I had treatment for the breast cancer I never knew I had. Don't get me wrong glad it was found and would still of had the treatments I did...but guess I'd be more prepared for the curve balls thrown at us. I've been gardening again today and where I had my lymph nodes taken was really pulling. Guess for me... a mix of everything past and simply getting older... I'm 65 this yr. 

    Bless that feeling of it chip chip chipping away at your health, energy, lifestyle has to be taking its toll on you. Back to the waiting game till the 29th. Our mantra of old will need to be pulled back into use.... it's nothing till it is. Everything crossed it's all a result of op/treatment, which is highly likely. 
    Have you started your meds yet..they could be messing with yourself in general. 
    So, you know the drill.... do all things you want. If you want to lay back on the sofa then lay back on the sofa. If you want hair nd nails done... you go for it. If you want to go run a marathon..... sit back down woman ya drunk :laugh::wink::laugh:

    don't be a stranger, here if you need to talk or vent. Virtual hugs being sent your way lass x ️X

  • Ha ha ha! Sandra you do make me chuckle! Bless - sounds like 65 is a cause for a big celebration!!! Party invite in the post?

    Yep we were all on that treadmill of life and fully happy on it until this cancer hits us and we are never the same again. But it's the new norm and the flow of life is just changing. No point analysing anything nowadays - that's how I feel. I just take it as it comes. 
    Life is like a rollercoaster. Just wish I could get off this ride and get onto another more enjoyable one....