The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Afternoon all.

    the bad: cancer, cancer sucks it needs to do one.

    the good: got the Christmas mugs out today and had my first vanilla latte with baileys ( erm in the Christmas mugs this year :wink: ). Hope today has been as good as it can be. X

  • Yes Sandra it was us 3 musketeers and I have found it all bearable with the great Rileyroo and you. I do privately speak with Rileyroo so I know I'm sorted as I still have both of you in close contact. Let's see what the coming months hold.

    I know how much this b*stard disease takes from us -  not fair but it is what it is and we got this! My famous words....

    it's freezing out so hope everyone keeps warm and as well as you can be. 

  • Indeed lass. It's that attitude exactly that got us all through it together. Always hoped we wouldn't need that attitude again but we definitely got this ️

  • Oh dizzle just read the write up.... how lovely. We get to see a bigger picture of you all too... Lillie is beautiful ... can see where she gets it from ️ X

  • Oh jbains!!!! Was gutted to read this.... but you will kick its *** just like you did last time. Think of it as blip in a long journey. You never know what's the right thing to say. Just stay strong as you have done previously!! Massive hugs xx

    thanks Sandra. The write up was fab and I've been approached by Bella and woman's own and they pay may as well have as much gain as I can out of all this lol!!

    managed to put up my tree Saturday so have allowed myself to get a bit festive although sadly I lost my auntie Friday to Covid. She's had previous lung cancer and got admitted. 2 days later she was gone. Really sad time but she's up there with my dad now.! Good ones always go too soon!

    anyways hope everyone else is well

    virtual hugs to you all 

    Dizzle xx

  • Hello all hope everyone is keeping as warm as possible - horrid weather!

    So have had to contact my sister who has had breast cancer as well 7 yrs ago who hasn't spoken to me since I went through treatment - long story. I needed information from her to let genetics know and she has blocked me on her phone as has her son. Her daughter hadn't so I text her and rang her asking her if she could please get the info for me. Discovered this morning she has read my messages but also blocked me on her WhatsApp now. I'm not asking for support or a million pounds but info that would probably help her and my daughter in the long run. What is wrong with families these days??? There is such a lack of compassion and what I haven't done for my sister and her kids!

    I shouldn't actually be surprised but there you go - I still have a heart. I am up at silly o'clock some nights as the rib pain is driving me nuts and no over the counter painkiller is helping. This in top of all the rest is sometimes getting too much. Guess am just feeling sorry for myself and needed a moan!! Life is hard enough and I really have to stop expecting anything from family. I've not really told anyone yet and don't plan to as I really hate the sympathy and doing the duty bs that they will do. If you're not in my life right now or spoken to me in the last year then sayonara!

    If only I could go to the gym and thrash out this anger! Hate cancer and all it's given me!!! I will get back to normal so pls excuse all this. 
    Got all the pre-surgery appointments thru so I think reality is dawning on me now. If only I could be pain free or fatigue free for just one day! Not too much to ask. 
    Anyways am done now - thank you to this virtual family whom I know get it. Big virtual hug. ️ ️

  • Hello everyone 

    Just been catching up on all the news. Sorry haven't been on here. Jbains so sorry to read your news, but know your fight this sending you a big hug.

    Drizzle congratulations on your baby how lovely safely here for Christmas. 

    Billy hope things are a bit better now.

    Sandra as always keeping everyone going despite everything your going through. 

    Well I have been busy moving house! Yes after 9 years I finally have my own house! Right up to getting the keys couldn't believe it was really happening but I am in and loving it.

    Sending you all a big hug remember your all amazing xx 

  • Family... sigh. You have the right attitude... stick them. Ask for pain relief if over the counter isn't  helping... no one should be in pain bless. Have you got your op date? 

    You shout nd vent all you want lass ... you have a right. I get where you are coming from on telling people... I told close family and posted on here only. No fbook or acquaintances... for exactly the same reasons you've mentioned. Just tell and do what you want or feels right for you... nobody else's business.

    chin up lass and look this in the eye nd stare it down ️

  • Ah that's fab news beach. In for Christmas and everything ... well done be proud of yourself. You deserve happy x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- none.... yay.

    good:- finally both the lil ones are back at school after wks of one, the other or both off isolating due to someone tested positive in their class. I can hang my home teachers hat up lol. 

    Just finished decorating Xmas cake and gonna wrap presents after a cuppa. 
    finally a smidgen of normality... today anyway lol.

    hope everyone has as good a day as they can ️