The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Amazing news, Dizzle! Congratulations from all of us at Cancer Chat!

    Lillie Kathleen, what a beautiful name... 


  • Hi Sandra,

    I've not looked in here for a while and, am so sorry to hear about the little one's breathing problems. I hope that this has settled down since you posted and that she's feeling more like herself. 

    It's great to hear that you managed to spend a lot of the October holiday with the children. By the sounds of things you all enjoyed it.

    I hope that all is going as well as it can for you.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi JBains,

    I'm so sorry to hear about this latest scare. Have they told you when your results will be back? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for better news then.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Dizzle,

    I'm delighted to hear of the safe arrival of little Lillie Kathleen and glad to hear that you had an easy birth after such a horrendous pregnancy. You're lucky that she is such a good baby - just as well when you're not feeling up to par yourself! I hope that the antibiotics settle your infections soon and that it won't be long before you feel back to normal. It's great to hear that Vinnie is such a protective big brother already - just wait until she wants to play with his toys!

    It's fantastic news about your friend.

    What a pleasant change to get good news in this year of horrors.

    Here's hoping that everything continues to go well for you all - love the picture!

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Sandra .

    Not much to put really so just update.

    Brenda's had another TiA leaning one way in the chair can't sit up straight , becoming incontinent again , but started eating food herself and taking her tablets without good and bad .

    Im still on new meds BP still chaos but cancer count is going down.head feels like cotton wool.

    Bella, still a propper madam unless she gets her own way.

    Hope you and yours are managing well with another lockdown.

    Haven't been out for months now not safe to drive way im feeling luckily a lovely neighbor does weekly shop for us

    Take care.

    Love Billy xxx



    Hi Billy,

    I have just found your update to Sandra and had to say how sorry I am to hear about Bren's TIA and the good and bad associated with this. I know the associated problems well, as my hubby has heart failure and has recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia and told to stop driving - not what you want to hear at 74, when you've driven all your days.

    Sorry to hear that your BP is still erratic and hope that your new meds srart to control it a bit better. Mine is dangerously high and has been for some years, despite trying a lot of different meds. My heart consultant prescribed something new in September, but the side-effects were absolutely horrendous. She now wants me to try them again along with another tablet - I can't say that I'm looking forward to the side-effects again, but I'm willing to try anything.

    It's good to hear that your neighbour has been so helpful with your shopping.

    Stay safe.

    Kindest regards,


  • Morning everyone :-) 

    thank you for all your kind comments about Lillies arrival. She's had a few problems with feeding and weight loss since she's been here so had all sort of health visitors in being judgemental and meaning me feel like I'm doing something wrong! Anyway, she's putting on weight now and feeding a lot better so that's good.

    I got a call from the hospital after being tested for the cancer gene and it's positive so they are looking at a mastectomy on my other side now and a hysterectomy early next year. Also the children all have to be tested (not sure when yet). Taken a few days to get my head round but I'm having a positive attitude. They can take all my organs if it means I don't have to live in fear of it returning lol. It's more my kids I worry for.... like I'm somewhat responsible which is silly I know. Just dodgy family genes I guess. 
    the local paper again did a lovely story on my little miracles yesterday so I've shared the link with you all. Hope everyone is ok.

    dizzle xx


  • Evening everyone. 

    just caught up on the good and the bad. 

    jbains.... I'm so sorry to be reading you are back to being investigated. I am so so hoping all is well. When are you expecting your results? The strongest of virtual hugs being sent your way. Chin up lass ️ X


    oh my Dizzel she's a stunner...well done you. Welcome to the world little one ️ It's is for the best they have tested you bit of a kick that it's positive. However knowing is part of the answer and as you say .... whatever it takes. ️

    Billy I'm so sorry to hear about Bren. You are truly her knight in shining armour. You are always there for her.. I tip my hat to you sir. Great news on your cancer count dropping ️

    hi jolamine thank you the lil one is better. Then 2 wks ago blow me if other lil one had exactly the same, she was in hospital a lot longer than 1st one. She too is all better now. They said it wasn't covid19. Thank you so much for thinking of them and asking ️

    the bad: the lil ones have lost so much schooling. After someone tested positive for covid in both their classes they were both isolating for 2 wks. They were back a wk and eldest was sent home for same reason. 2 wks later she went back and got a call from school to pick up littlest one for same here we are with 2 more wks isolation. Sigh.

    Good:- tree is up... starting to feel a lot like Christmas. Baileys is on special at the shops..yum.  I've become an expert on the school teaching app. There's a good chance we can all have time together for Christmas. Yayyyy. Hope everyone has had  as good a day as they can. X

  • Hello all hope everyone is doing ok and that gorjus new addition Dizzle!

    Well it's not what I had hoped for - it's the big C but good thing is it's still 17mm which is small even though cells are aggressive so here we go again! Something funny going on with the genetics and DNA so going to see them before determining treatment. I participated in the 100,000 genome project last time I was diagnosed in 2017. Let's see what all transpires and I know where I stand.

    Sandra we started this journey with us 3 and it's all come so far. So well done for keeping going.

    Awful to find myself in this place again but life throws those curveballs and we just have to catch them and deal with it.


  • Ahhh lass I'm so so sorry to be reading this...and angry. Im angry that it's hit you again. It's just not fair that we do everything we were asked to do and still. 

    Right at the beginning of my journey you were there with wor Rileyroo... together the 3 Musketeers. Rileyroo doesn't drop by as often as she used to... I totally get that. We are all here.... we are your support, your sounding board, your place to vent, your anything you need. Sending the biggest of hugs and my steely look to join yours to stare this down ️X