The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Morning peeps 


    bad :- about to head to post Office Depot because had card through door couldn't deliver an item. I was in, heard letter box but thought it was post... they didn't knock or ring the door bell went straight to the card... grrrrr. Don't they know everyone is supposed to be cutting down on needless journeys etc... sigh. 
    good :- ok calm down nd deep breaths lol. Told daughter my grumble and said I'm definitely getting old ... their response.... getting ?:laugh:   Gotta laugh ain't ya :wink:

    have as good a day as you can peeps ️X ️

  • Hi Sandra. 

    Bad ::--utter chaos.

    Bren is doing marvellous but psychiatrist doesn't want to lower her dose anymore, a good friend said reason they stopped one full tablet was that'd hope bren would have bad side effects and stop on them psychiatrist keeps insisting bren has bipolar even though she hasn't got any symptoms, he told me these tablets were relaxants when i told him i know there anti psychotic he changed the subject very quickly didn't like me knowing that.


    I've been struggling just lately but getting sorted with new tablets thought I was having side effects BP Was going low, no energy struggling to eat or drink much, got in touch with Dr as well specialist both said its my addisons, my heart is slowing down nead to increase my dose of medication things slowly getting back to normal. Big relief especially getting appetite back, always like my food. 


    Glad your still doing crafting, shame we can't see them now. Hope parcel was worth it. 

    Love Billy xxx 

  • Hi everyone,


    Sorry to hear you been struggling Billy but good you're feeling better now!


    Sandra, my post infuriates me. Think the postman only comes round once a week which isn't good if you're waiting for something!! 

    Well apart from all that, hope everyone is well. Been back to hospital for regular scans and pleased to say baby is doing well and growing as she should be now. She gave us quite a fright! So I've now allowed myself to get excited and buy things. I washed all the new clothes the other day and got quite emotional hanging up the tiny pink sleepsuits! Must be hormones lol. Only 6 weeks to go now. This pregnancy seems to have gone in the blink of an eye. Can't wait til she's here safe and sound.


    Vinnie is doing well. Still the happiest child I know bless him. It's a shame we can't post pics as I have some crackers.


    Anyway, gonna get my daily walk in this morning before my new cordless dyson gets delivered this afternoon. Is it sad I'm excited? Lol


    Well take care everyone, stay safe and all that :-)


    Dizzle xx




    Hi Dizzle,

    I'm delighted to hear that your last scans show that the baby is doing well and is now growing as she should. I'm sure that this is a great relief after all the worry you've had. I'm not surprised that you felt so emotional hanging out all the pink baby clothes. It won't be long until she's here now.

    I hope that you both continue to keep well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello everyone

    i hope everyone is doing as well as they can.



    im finally getting my cataract surgery on Thursday after waiting two years.



    im finally getting my cataract surgery!


    Virtual hugs to all.


  • Hay there all ...

    Nice to see a few messages on here again .. it's like seeing an old friend at the door ..

    So at last some good news we all desperately need .. Dizzle your totes amazing  ; ))  can't wait to see pic of your complete family ... you so deserve it ... at least we can still see your vinny in little pic ..

    Thank you all so much for your lovely messages and thoughts .. my granddaughter is tucked up in our hearts now, like I advice others ... but it was a rough month for so many tears ... but honered to have had her in my life ... but must say .. cancer sucks still big time ..  

    So let's keep everything crossed for even more good results ... so you wonderful lasses and our amazing Billy... keep kicking it's butt ... big hug to you all ... love this thread ...xx Chrissie xx


    Hi Sundial,

    I'm glad to hear that your catarract surgery has come around at last. I had a similar wait. It'll all be over in jig time and, you'll wonder why you worried about it.

    Will be thinking of you on Thursday and hope that all goes well.
    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks Jolamine

    i had cataract surgery on the other eye about 15 years ago and sat up for the procedure. They tell me this time, at a different hospital, that I will need to lie flat for half an hour. I have arthritis in my neck which makes lying flat vey painful and I can't take pain killers that give relief. Also it's a bit scary in these COVID times. Being diabetic and overweight I am at a greater risk and have been more or less shielding since the beginning of March although I've also managed to gain better control if my diabetes and lost almost a stone and a half in weight. I had to have a COVID test yesterday which wasn't pleasant and like at all times waiting for the result is stressful. They've told me that they'll only contact me if it's positive or void so it's tenterhooks for three days. I haven't got as far as thinking about the actual procedure! 

    I know this surgery is small compared with what we've all been through already but it's just another worry after a long line of them (brother passed away in 2017, I was  diagnosed with cancer and treated in 2018, husband had colon removed in 2019 pluse several additional hospital admissions with kidney stones).  I was hoping 2020 might offer a better year but clearly not.....


    Hugs to all/


  • Evening peeps 


    lovely catch up from everyone ️

    chuffed all is well Dizzel. Many yrs ago ( when we used Toweling nappies) I washed 2 dozen for my lil one coming... left a football sock in washer nd they all can out blue ( had a girl ) lol. 
    Billy .... so glad you are starting to feel better. Go you for not taking their clap trap... what happened to keeping the patient informed... sigh.

    well hello there sundial lass... lovely to hear from you. Hope all goes well for your op... everyone I've spoken to who has had are delighted with the difference in their sight... hope you feel the same.

    Chris you are a rock lass. You keep us all anchored in you wisdom and strength ️.

    bad : we are starting to talk contingency plans as a family for Christmas in case things don't get better... sad times.

    good:- thank heavens for bubbles.... means I can continue to support daughter and her husband going to work by looking after the lil ones. Love that I can still see the lil ones ️ 

    hope everyone has had as good a day as they can x


    Hi Sundial,

    I had to lie down for both of my operations. I have problems with arthritis throughout my body and whiplash in my neck from a car accident years ago. I was very concerned that I might not be able to lie for that long, but I did just manage. I too am Diabetic and overweight, although I've lost 5 stone in the past 4 years. Well done on losing weight yourself - it's not always easy. I piled it on with Tamoxifen and Letrozole.

    The Covid test is not a pleasant one, but I hope that it all comes back clear.

    It sounds as if you have had a spell like we've had recently. I lost 7 close family members last year and, my son broke his neck just to add to the mix. My husband has heart failure and has failed a lot since losing his Mum, Dad and brother all within just months of one another. I am so sorry to hear about your brother and your husband. I had hoped that this would be a better year, but i fear that we'll have to wait some time to see any improvement.

    I have had another three eye operations since I had my cataracts done and have just been told that I now need a laser procedure to make a small incision in both eyes to reduce the pressures in my eyes. I've been using drops daily, but they've not brought the figures down much.

    The cataract procedure is certainly much simpler than what we've already been through and, I'm sure that it will all go well for you.

    I shall be thinking of you.
    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx