The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi Sandra. 

    Good or bad, not sure. 

    Got phone call from chemo ward, i get 28 days supply of tablets (4) take morning, four days before i run out have a blood test (this is everymonth) next day phone up chemo ward and reorder tablets, they are actually sent from hospital every time straight to me, just seems very strange.

    Hope you're keeping well can tell you enjoy having young ones. 

    Glad your still selling things. 

    Love Billy xxx 

  • Afternoon Everyone, hope everyone is as good as they can be.

    Today I have had my letter for my yearly mammogram. Delayed by COVID that virus has so much to answer for!! Sept 3rd so not to long to wait xx


    Hi Beachbabe,

    I'm so sorry to hear that your review has had to be rescheduled, but glad that you don't have much longer to wait. Here's hoping that it all goes well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi everyone,


    Just checking in. Hope everyone is well despite all this rubbish not being over with!!!!

    ive been a bit off the radar as it's been a bit of a difficult pregnancy. Few complications with little ones growth. She's very tiny. Also was in hospital for a week last week. I had a routine midwife appointment and she said the baby’s heartbeat was quite erratic so sent me to the day centre for a trace. It showed her heart kept dipping so showed she was in distress. They pumped me with magnesium and steroids to get her lungs and brain stronger for delivery then prepped me for an emergency c section. I had a aneasatists in talking to me about spinal blocks and neonatal unit explaining what would happen. Thank god they waited a couple of hours as it calmed down so they kept me in and did regular traces. I’m only on day release and got to go back daily for traces then another scan Tomorrow to check her growth as she’s still really underweight. She’d have only weighed just under 2lb if she was born and wouldn’t have stood much of a chance. It was the scariest time of my life. It's made my cancer diagnoses look like a doddle lol. Thankfully her heart rates been behaving this week. Fingers crossed the scan shows some growth.

    can you believe Vinnie is 1 on Monday. Where does the time go?? So I'm prepping for a little tea Party for him in Saturday. My lovely friend I told you about who started chemo is coming and not seen her since her treatment started. Her hair is all gone and she's a scarf as opposed to a wig wearer so will be a shock to see but she's getting the biggest of hugs....if she'll let me lol. 
    really hope everyone is good. Sorry to come on here with my doom and gloom but just wanted to let you know I was still here

    Take care all

    Dizzle xx


    Hi Dizzle,

    It's great to hear from you, even if the news was a little disturbing. Now that the hospital are aware of the little one's problems, it sounds as if they are gradually getting to grips with them. This must have been a worrying time for you both. I'm so glad to hear thatyou didn't have to have a C section after all - keep her in there and cooking for as long as you can to improve her chances. It must be tiring for you having to go back daily at present.

    My, it's hard to believe that Vinnie is 1 already. I hope that you all enjoy his tea party on Saturday.I'm delighted to hear that your friend is doing well with her treatment.

    Here's hoping and praying for good news from your scan tomorrow.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Dizzle. 

    Lovely to hear from you. 

    So sorry you've had problems but definitely glad they seem to be sorting things out for the young one and you of course.

    Like the I'd of sticking Vinnie in the avatar. 

    Hope things keep getting better. 

    Love Billy xxx 

  • Thank you must admit feeling a bit nervous x 

  • Hi Dizzle....

    So lovely to hear from you .. wish it was better news for new baby, but she sounds like she's holding on in there ... little fighter, like her mummy and big bro ... fingers crossed hunny ... and our vinny ... a year a .. doesn't seem possible... well think wer all rooting for ya ... 

    At least we can see how they are doing by your little pic ... there's always a way round ... can't wait to see her ... you all rock ...   ; )) xx

    Sending you a vertual hug... and a little hi 5 to vinny .... Chrissie  xx

  • Hi Sandra and all. 

    Good :- I'm still alive and kicking, keeping positive.

    Bad :- psa up waiting to see if new meds work, hot flushes definitely back with a vengeance.

    Got letter from oncology other day she explained how the cancer in my bones is spreading, have to hope meds work. 

    To all my friends and family keep as well as can be, keep safe. 

    Love Billy xxx 

  • Hi all, to anyone out there .. as this is the good and bad thread ... just wanted to say ...

    Bad .... lost my wonderful brave heart granddaughter to acute myeloid leukaemia last week ... just 18 .. cancer at its crulest ...  but she kicked its butt till the end ... and it never stopped the smile that lit up her face ... sleep well jess ....

    Good .... well right now, that's a tuff one ....   ; ((  

    Billy ... you keep on fighting buddy ... one day at a time ... all any of us can do ... and big vertual hugs to all these buddies on here past and present ..... keep kicking it's butt..... Chrissie