The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Good evening peeps. Just done a catch up on posts and well.... lots of great stuff and some bits not so great. 
     Not gonna respond to them all ... just to say... love to you all and keep the good...and the bad a coming ️

    An ecstatic welcome to baby girl Dizzel ... chuffed to bits for you ️.

    Been a little while since I've been on here...I did say I wouldn't be posting daily as I used to and that is the only reason I've not been on.

    So I continue to be well.... 3 yrs in August since diagnosis... seems a so much longer but at the same time not...guess it will always be hanging over us to one degree or another.

    Anywhose... here we go....

    The bad :- I think the coronavirus has changed how we live for a very long time to come. 
    The good:- I've lost a stone in weight ( mind you that's just the stone I put on in Lockdown :laugh: .

    It's the school holidays so I will have the lil ones all day 4 days a wk again ( feast or famine I tell you) :laugh: They have been away with their mam for 5 days in Scarborough ( they stay at a family members house while they go away in their camper van ️). So my duties begin tomorrow. 
    I have sold 2 Fairy door book folds and have been asked to make 3 other items I make.... yay. So... does that mean I'm no longer retired? Oooh what shall I say I am instead... A business owner, Managing director of my own business, Artisan or allusions of grandeur p taker :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I once again walk every day, read most days, bit of crafts and the dreaded gardening. All interspersed with wine :laugh:

    eee well..... love to everyone and  keep having as good a day as you can peeps X ️X 


  • Hello Everyone,

     Just been having a catch up on all the news. Nice to see some good news does make me smile but sad for the bad news. Sending all that need a hug to you.

      Well things have definitely changed as we know it since corona arrived! Thankfully work is starting to get back to normal what ever that is. Mum doing ok taking her to get her (and mine) hair done today. Mums first trip out since start of corona. She’s very nervous but it will only be her me and hairdresser in salon. Hope he has sharpened his scissors!! 

    Well after 9 years of being blacklisted by my ex husband I have finally brought my own house!! Can’t explain how I felt when told they had accepted my offer on a house! 

    So all systems go now! Will try and pop back again soon. 

    Stay safe everyone always thinking of you all even if it on here xx 

  • Aw that's brilliant Beach.... be proud you have done good. No easy task at the best of time go you girl ️

  • Hi all and especially Sandra. For starting this string all those years ago. 

    Had some GOOD news.

    My bone and ct scans are still same still cancer there but hasn't moved. 

    Bren is slowly improving speech very good especially when she's telling me off. She can pick up certain foods and feed herself shaking is minimal when it happens and she can move her legs herself when on the chair or bed. That was something i had to do about a month ago..


    BAD blood test should be 0.0 two months ago

    26 yesterday 65 oncologist says meds i started two months ago are no good so she's putting me on more stronger ones, then three months wait to see if they work.

    I'm feeling OK and keeping positive. Especially with bren being alot better, just wish she could actually walk couple of steps would really cheer me up. But can't see it happening. 

    Love to all... Billy xxx

    Nearly forgot. Bella is fit and healthy and being a proper madam lately.(extremely bossy and goes huffy when she can't have her own way.) 

  • Hi billy 

    well chuffed to hear your news ... bet you are buzzing ️

    as if things couldn't get better... Bren is on the up too ️

    then lil Bella is behaving herself too.


    getting your bloods levels right will be the topping on the cake.


    great to hear such good news from you ️

  • Evening peeps


    hope everyone is ok


    bad:- how's everyone finding wearing a mask in shops etc. Honestly I seem to overheat in mins and I went light headed the other day. Was fine once out of shop nd mask off. Used to be if u walked into a shop with a mask on they would be pressing the panick button now... if u don't wear one they won't let you in!

    good:- lovely spending time with the lil ones. Spend a lot of time with them  in the hot tub.... love it. They are off to Scarborough for a week with their grandad next wk  so a wks break for me. 

    sold a couple more items I've made.... rather satisfying that people will pay for something I've made. 

    anywhose... love to you all hope you are all having as good a day as you can x

  • Hi Sandra. 

    Good,,, both of us feeling ok. 

    Bad,,, got a phone call from oncologist said thar sending a letter with a blood test form to be sent back to oncology and a concent form before i can go onto my new meds, 

    Just makes me wonder what these new meds can do to me, 

    And it could be weeks yet before i can start them, all the time my cancer count is rising. Getting rather fed up with it, just hoping new meds work without to many side effects. 

    Love Billy xxx

    P.s found out from a friend, New meds are for men having a sex change so if my writing starts to look more feminine you know why and I'll probably have to get a bra.

    Just hope it works.. 

  • Lol Billy love your sense of humour ️

    hope no such side effects show themselves and they do the job we all hope they will. 

    love to your ladies x

  • Evening peeps 

    bad:- put my back out ( think it's sciatica) was standing at the table and turned then boom. No pain if I lay flat on my back or once I get up standing still lol. They say to keep mobile... I say they are having a laugh.


    good:- daughter made my dinner and brought me a bouquet of my fav flowers ( white Roses)... they have cheered me up. 
    have as good a day as you can peeps x

  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad :- got letter from drs asking me to book a routine blood test. Only 3 mth since had last ones so asked what it was for. Apparently my liver function was a bit lower than normal last time I had bloods done. Not sure why I wasn't told this at the time .... sigh.

    good :- lil ones due back on Friday.. they have been having a great time away. Missed them but enjoyed the me time too:happy: 

    sold a couple more items I've made... I love and yet still surprised that someone wants to buy something made by me!

    hope everyone's day is as good as it can be x