The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Sad times lass. Hold him close and just be there when he needs you. 
    my daughter wanted to know the sex of both the lil ones but both times they couldn't see so couldn't tell her... she was gutted lol. 

    enjoy your pool a bit of family normality may help you all

    take care lass x

  • Hi Dizzle 

    So sorry about your husbands family especially the way it happened. 

    So glad little Vinnie and the bump are doing well.

    We've finally had a community nurse come to see bren first time in over 8 years she couldn't believe we haven't had anyone round for that long. I explained it was cancelled because i was looking after her specialist told us she didn't kneed anyone..

    Hope everyone is well and keeping safe. 

    Love Billy xxx 

  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad :- went for my annual bp check.. the nurse rang about my bloods yesterday to say my Hba1c was creeping up over the last 3 yrs and I was classed as pre diabetic. Advised to loose weight, adapt diet and exercise more. So ... have started to follow advice. Said if continued without an intervention I would likely be diabetic in the next 3 yrs. sigh.

    good :- once again monitoring may have an ultimate benefit to my health. 

    stay well stay safe be alert x

  • Good  I'm as good as can be sorting out my own appointment and blood test seems like oncology can't be bothered again, mainly want to keep my eyes on what my cancer is doing lately. 

    Good maybe bad  bren is alot better than she was she seems to have settled down to where she can take notice but struggling to speak a full sentence. 

    Two weeks ago she was talking that much about anything, but at least she's not a zombie anymore. Just have to see if her meds can be changed to improve things slightly any improvement is good.

    Hope you get your weight down and exercise more,and better diet.. 

    Love to all. 

    Billy xxx 

  • Hi all and Sandra of course. 

    Got blood results today could be better. 

    Cancer count, Feb 2018 =0.03  October 2019=2.2 today's= 26.5 so a big jump going on new meds, getting booked in for CT and BONE SCANS. but when is anybodies guess. Then treatment options if there is any probably chemo again.

    Hope everyone is well as can be and still positive especially as things are easing off. 

    Love to all.... Billy xxx 

  • Dear Billy, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent results.  You know I'll be urging you on, such a nice guy and you deserve the best.  Love Carol x 

  • Evening Billy

    bless results not what we all hoped them to be. Good job you booked them in. Hope they look after you and not mess you around... you have enough on yr plate without having to chase them up. have they given you a follow up appt?

    glad Bren is better than she has been as always you have her at your heart and want more for her ️

    take care Billy...tell Bren I'm asking after her.x 


    Oh Billy,

    Thanks for the update. I only wish that it was better news. Here's hoping that the CT and bone scans provide better news. I hope that your new meds make a big difference and that there is still a viable treatment for you.

    I am so glad to hear that Bren is better than she was.

    Hoping that you get all the scans you need soon and can move on to treatment.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Morning all,

    yes it's early..... can't sleep. Just feeling all stressed. 
    been reading everyone's posts and Chris....I didn't realise about your granddaughter. What a horrible thing to go through at such a young ages. Thoughts are with her you and the family.

    sorry to hear your news billy. Hope you get the necessary appointments soon. Glad Bren is feeling better.... that's something good I guess. 

    sandra..... that's rubbish but I'm sure with a few lifestyle tweaks you can stop the onset of any potential illness in its tracks. Fingers crossed for you x

    good.... other scan went well and my downs/pattisons syndrome came back very low risk so that's a relief.... no amnio needed like I had to with Vinnie 

    bad.... one of my best friends text a few weeks ago to say she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm gutted for her. She's had her lumpectomy but as been in hospital for 3 nights with infections. They've told her to expect chemo which is awful in itself but with 2 young kids (1 with special needs) is going to be tough and this stupid virus means I can't even go round to help. Cancer is a horrible thing to go through anyway but in this current climate when no one can come to appointments must be ultra tough. She's a strong lady though and will get through this!

    also having problems with graces dad again. She wasn't getting any of the message I was sending to her iPad which I bought her for Xmas so we could communicate....when I checked her iPad at the weekend my number had been blocked. Grace wouldn't know how to do it and why would she, graces dad just wouldn't so only leaves one person. That nasty little cow he's with. When confronted he got so defensive which spoke volumes. Fuming is an understatement.

    anyway I will go and make a cup of tea before I start throwing things lol. 
    thinking of you all as always. Lots of love

    Dizzle x

  • Hi Dizzle. 

    Glad your feeling more positive, if I've got it right last time that nasty little cow, said something you were in tears so a big improvement.

    Glad your tests came back OK. 

    If you want you should be able to see your friend as long as you stay in the garden,

    Don't forget some pics now and again bet Vinnie is shooting up and the bump will be getting bigger.. Good luck to you and yours.

    Just a thought get your friend on the forum she'll soon have help and new friends and family for support. 

    Love..... Billy xxx