The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Good morning glittersgold

    so sorry to hear about yr mum ️ 

    the best people to ask your questions and get advice from is without question your mums hospital team. Make a list of your questions and take them to your mums next hosp appt. take a notepad an write down what they say. Our minds are all over the place so we forget within moments many things we are told.

    its early days for your mum and you will be tail chasing your thoughts in circles. Try to stop this and live in the moment. 

    your mum like me was lucky to have found the cancer at routine screening. I had no lumps, bumps, pain... anything. It's feels like your legs have been kicked from under you all.. it is normal to feel like this. 

    All things coping is so difficult at the minute... I went for lots of walks, pamper sessions, out for meals etc...that's all off the "menu" of options now. Talk to your mum lots ( let her lead the conversations), FaceTime, make sure she has all she needs. 

    I had 2 lumps...both invasive. It's 3 yrs in August since my diagnosis... my mammograms are annual... long may the show all is well. 
    take care ️


  • Morning Christine 

    lovely to see you on here supporting others while you are on your own journey. ️
    great to hear you are doing ok. Bless times are hard enough with the extra worry of this virus.

    have as good an Easter as you can lass.

    take care x


  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- the "usual"... sigh

    good :- made cupcakes for lil ones so their mam will pic them up later. 
    seeing lots of Easter posts on Facebook of children doing egg hunts in theirs gardens... makes me smile. 

    Someone was going around leaving a couple of cream eggs on doorsteps... so Easter Bunny has been to mine too ️

    happy Easter everyone have as good a day as u can

    stay well, stay safe, stay in x

  • Hi Sandra 

    Good ::- the weather and hope everyone had a good Easter.. And everyone is feeling as good as can be..

    Bad ::-- usual this virus and lock down.

    Also just got a letter from specialist we saw in January says brens parkinsons could be caused by some of the meds she's on, also new meds for parkinsons should help her mobility. But can have bad side effects, we're going to try and hope it helps without to many problems or have to stop them. 

    Hope everyone is good as can be. 

    Love to all... Billy xxx 

  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry I been quiet. Been strange times hasn't it? Love to anyone having treatment....its bad enough anyway but in these awful times it must be trying! All seem so surreal....the roads are dead and I feel like everyone is staring at me on my daily walk like they are wondering what my excuse is for being out lol. Hope all my virtual family are well and not been affected health wise by this awful virus. My oncologist appointment I'm told has now been changed to a telephone appointment which I can understand yet not sure how they can examine you through the phone! Technology has obviously come a long way lol. Not sure the point in just a phone conversation.

    Anyway....after much in depth chats myself and jamie are going ahead with having baby Pedder number 2. Due date at the moment is 13th of November so I'm almost 11 weeks. Got a bump already so convinced it's a girl as grace made me fat early on Haha. We are having a suprise this time so wont be finding out.  Been referred to midwife now so it's all go. Exciting but nerve wracking times. I must be mad but I think it was obviously meant to be. Past one though as I'm going to personally castrate jamie after this one lol

    Please take care everyone...stay safe and all that. Hopefully we can all get back to normality very soon. Love to you all xx

  • Hi Dizzle 

    Lovely to hear from you. 

    Was just looking through guess who popped up. 

    Lovely decision on baby (or bump just now) just thinking hope you have some very sharp knives wait till he's asleep first, and some plasters might be useful.

    Glad your all feeling well. Hope everything goes OK. Best wishes for the future. 

    Love.... Billy xxx 

    P.s don't forget the photos.

    Pp.s i was born on 13th June though. 


    Hi Dizzle,

    It is indeed a very strange time at present and I don't envy anyone waiting for a cancer diagnosis or treatment at the moment.

    I am delighted that you and Jamie have decided to go ahead with baby no 2. It is good to know what you are expecting early on from a practical point of view, but it is so much better to get a surprise. I hope that Jamie is up for the snip after this!

    Take care of yourselves and, stay well.

    Best wishes,

    Jolamine xx

  • Good Morning everyone,

       Just thought I would check in and say hi and see how you are all doing. Lovely news Dizzle. Such a strange time still going on. Last week was my birthday and was so strange only being home with my youngest. Did walk to my mums to stand on her path and have a chat! 

    This week I am on holiday!! Only allowed to check that beach hut is ok not allowed to stay down there. But least my hour exercise can be walking along the beach.

    stay safe everyone x x

  • Morning Billy 

    got everything crossed the new medication regime helps Bren ... if it was me I'd want to try to see if it helps.

    hope u nd your ladies are doing as good as u can ️

  • Awww Dizzel you are gonna but a mammy again ️ Hope no morning sickness and u r feeling well. chuffed to bits for you all. 
    My checkup has been cancelled too... mines been moved to September. For me...I'm ok with this. If you have any worries about anything ring and ask for an appointment. 
    Lovely hearing from you.. take care lass ️