The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi Learay. I'm sorry to hear the reason for you joining this thread. We all have been here and know what you are going through. Breathe and one day at a time.  I know it's easier said than done but there is nothing you can do but keep to your routine. The wiaitng for results is the hardest thing at any stage. When do you get the results of the biopsy? At this point there is nothing to worry about and sometimes it could be non- cancerous so lets wait until the results come in. Dr Google is not good to seek advice from as we are not knowledgeable enough to know all the medical info required. Every person's case is as unique as their DNA so Breathe, keep busy and keep things as normal as possible. Our bodies react to stress in different ways and having just had a baby 4 months ago the hormones are most likely in the styling back stage which will play a part in emotions and the feelings you are going through. 

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago and had 2 stage cancer so can say I have just about come out the other end so you will get through whatever the results will be. Many of us on here have been through quite the time and have done it so IF the results are the big "c" take it from me, you will get through it. Survival rates are high with the research and smarter treatments so try not to panic until you know the full picture. We are here for you no matter what - there is alot of support on here. One day at a time. You got this!

  • Thank you Jbains, I should be getting the results Friday but don't have an appointment yet. I've been back to my GP about how rough I'm feeling; because I'm still breastfeeding I'm concerned for my baby if I'm not in good health and that I can't look after him properly. I had a blood test this morning to check everything again but could be a week before they come back. I was worried about how when we saw the dr before we left Tuesday she kept saying they think it's benign, but my mind ran away with that and I started asking if they would say that just to keep me going as they knew it was bad. I won't know anything before the appointment but I'm never good at waiting and I think I'm making myself sick with worry.

  • Hi Learay,

    I went for mammogram, scan and biopsy yesterday.    I get the result of biopsy next thursday.  But my experience has been opposite to yours.  The scan seemed to be indeterminate but the doctor told me she thought the lump was cancer.  I'm new to this but i really dont think they would give you false hope.  However I know how difficult I am finding it all, so can sympathise with you.  Hold onto to the positive, sending you and your lovely babies kindest and positive thoughts.  X

  • Good: lovely walk earlier today, kept me smiling for an hour.

    Bad:  tearfull at inopportune moments, i.e. being served in shop. 

    BUT I cant let embarrassment that I've been crying stop me going out or I'll drive myself crazy on my own in house. I'm expecting this to be a long journey and I'm getting ready for battle.  Think I may have lost the plot a little too  ...... bought a jigsaw and puzzle book in an effort to distract my mind from negative thoughts, this is just trial and error. 

    I am also seriously overweight due to very unhealthy eating, so today I will start including healthy foods...... not a diet that would be stupid just want to get some nutrients into my body.

    Does anyone else have any suggestions for just getting through the day and feeling that they have some control.

    Sending all of you kindest and positive thoughts x x x


  • Welcome to the tread ch 1963 ( sorry why u find yourself here though. 
    You have just about cracked the waiting game ... keeping busy. Anything that distracts you is the name of the game.  The waiting is the worst. I was told at my recall appointment ( after scan nd biopsy) they felt confident to confirm I had cancer.... they were right. 

    Your ups and downs are normal so go with the flow. I used to deliberately put on really sad movies and blub my eyes out way more than the movie deserved lol. 
    whatever gets you through is right. 
    Crafts became my " keep busy" . love your jigsaw can't wait t see it finished ️
    good luck at your appointment. X


  • Welcome to the thread learay ( sorry why u find yourself here though). Bless we usually say keep busy but going with your young family that's the norm for you. 
    as jbains mentioned earlier stay in the "now" don't go down the route of the what if's, could haves, should haves . That route only leads your mind to dark places. 

    it's nothing till it's something is where your head needs to be. I remember when I was waiting for my official results. I started getting severe headaches and neck and shoulder pain and like you I too thought the worst. 
    Turned out to be nothing more than the stress and anxiousness of waiting for my results. 

    time to your appointment will feel like it's taking forever to come around and yet feel quick when it gets here. 

    take someone with you when you go for your appointment and let us know how u get on...everything crossed for good news x

  • Lovely to hear from u beach.... hope u had the best of holidays. :)  Is it your mum's appointment soon ? X

  • Evening peeps 

    bad :- none yayyyy

    good:- Santa brought a felting kit for me... can't wait t start it but already started knitting 2 jumpers for the lil ones... best finish them first. 
    how mild has it been...lots of walks down local woods. Up the eyes in mud on each walk lol... loved every min though. 
    I commence child care duties on Tuesday hopefully will help combat the Xmas weight gain lol... worth every min of stuffing my face ;) :D

    hope everyone is having as good a day as they can ️

  • Hi sandra ....Oh my, love love love your pic ... the look of grandkids curled up, snuggling a huge bear ... l want one ... bear that is ... thanks for your lovely message on my thread ... means more then you know ..  

    And welcome to any new lasses (and billy) on here ... here's to keeping the good and bad going another year ... your all in my thoughts ...  

    Keep on kicking cancers ***  ( better say butt, as they take off *** now )   ; ))