The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi all bren seem brighter today and more in control, hopefully it'll keep improving, fingers crossed,, 

    High beach your trying to make us jealous and its working hope your mum's OK, its the waiting again, best wishes.. Billy 

  • Hi all,

    Apologies for my lack of you can imagine with a 6 weeks old it's been pretty hectic. Also both me and jamie have now been referred for suspected colorectal cancer so are both awaiting colonoscopys. It's almost so unbelievable it's funny lol. Hopefully its nothing. But jamie has had his symptoms for 3 years and me for the last 6 months. Fingers crossed. Got my mammogram and mri next month for yearly check so it's all go. Hope everyone is doing good though. Here are some Vinnie pics for ur viewing pleasure. Hes such a lovely.little thing xx

    [[ ]]

  • Hi Dizzle lovely pics good luck to you both with results, it seems very strange both of you, anyway best wishes... Billy 

  • Hay Dizzle...

    What a little beauty... WOW!!!! 

    So sorry about having those tests .. but got everything crossed ... yes everything  

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Dizzle

    Vinnie is gorgeous. A little sweetie.

    Sorry to hear you’re both needing tests. I hope everything goes well. Hang on in there. 


  • Hi all a quick update bren getting there still a bit of pain but bearable, hope it lasts, had to rearrange carers so there's something for them to do when they come. Hope you're all as well as can be best wishes to all... Billy xxx

    P.s Bella still going for tests but things are going well 

  • Well hello peeps... the wanderer returnith:)

    jollies were fab.... back about an hour ago. Travelled 1,000 miles around the 6 states of New England. Weather was fab as was ooooo everything else. First long haul since my diagnosis (insurance was only £30 more to pre diagnosis trips to America).

     Annual Mammogram results were waiting when I got in... all ok rpt 1 yr.... hooorahhhh. 

    Daughter is buzzing as she has sold her house nd had an offer accepted on another ( 8 days on market nd got full asking price) I'm buzzing for her too. 

    Had a quick look back so... how's things going with the following:-

    Billy.. glad Bren is feeling  a bit better.. how's you doing yourself?

    beach.... so sorry to hear about yr mum... any further forward yet?

    Blinkin heck Dizzel nothing by halves in yr family everything crossed for best outcome for you nd Jamie. Oh my wor lil Vinnie is a dreamboat ain't he ... give him some cuddles for me ️.

    How's you nd your hubby doing sundial? Also..  Oh  no.... how can things have changed so much for your holiday... hope you have wrote a letter into the company. A few yr ago my friend did the Atlantic crossing on the QE2 ... canny way to get to the states...into New York.... she fair gushed about how outstanding it was... go on you know you want too. 

    jbains.... how you doing... has stopping the meds helped?

    rileyroo.... how did your op go.... please tell me you have not assaulted anyone for gettnear ya foot ... yet :)

    chrissie aw you rock star you... seen some posts of your continued support of others.... you rock lass. Soon be half term to see you ray of sunshine too ️ 

    Shout out to anyone else who reads or wants to comment on this post... hope you are all as well as u can be. 

    Summary of hols...pumpkins nd fall stuff everywhere. Stephen King was having work done on his hoose. Stunning views. The pollution that killed all the fish after  dumping the tea in Boston Harbor has cleared up. Lots of graves of people who really were not that keen on the British. Mahoosive mansions that even the rich can't afford so given to historical society (bet tha gutted). Each boat bigger than the last ( jealous much.... yes). Crossed the finish line of the Boston marathon... first across... only  one running... go me lol. Oh my lobsters... I am now an expert in crack open and devouring. Anywhose's  a couple of pics

    [[ ]]



  • Hello everyone! Sorry been amiss lately but been trying to deal with life.

    Am now working near home - 10 min commute. Money isn't great but far ouweighs hassle of trains and cost and commuter germs. I can even......wiat for it........go home for lunch! Suffering lately with quite bad fatigue - trying to find the balance with working and life again. If say yes, more better days since off meds. Joint pain is less, pain has subsided slightly in ribs, eyes are better and only deterrent is this blasted debilitating Fatigue!

    Hurray for mammo results!!! Woohoo!!! I have mammo number 3 coming up beginning dec. Very certain it be clear so no concerns there. Been seeing physio which initially helped but suppose it's all going to be gradual improvement. 

    Dizzle - still so thrilled for you with your little miracle!

    Hope everyone else is doing as well as can be. Keep going - you got this!

  • Hi Sandra nice to have you back thought you'd retired, really glad you enjoyed it should think you've got to move everything to make room for all the new stuff you've bought,, (souvenirs)., I'm still plodding on cancer still coming back slowly specialist says should be OK till next summer at least he wants me to have a pet scan to make sure it's not sneaking off anywhere else,, anyway you'll be suffering from jet lag for a while yet best wishes.. Billy 

  • Hi you little galavanter you ..

    I got a tear in my eye reading your message .. thought we'd lost you .. but knew dizzles baby would get you going .. we all adore him ....

    So glad you had a good time .. but oh so glad your back .. but you know our Billy has kept this thread going .. he really is a wonderful caring chap .. who I know is over the moon you've posted on here .. 

    Bet you missed the grandkids... with oddles of cuddles from them I bet ...and great news about result comming back ... we got the bartender on the run .. 

    Well can't tell you how happy I am .. all need now is cournishpastie to pop on ... be reet good to hear from her too ... so lovely ladies and Billy (our honery lady lol)  heres to kicking cancers ***... 
