The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Thanks Dizzle. Vinnie is beautiful.... 


  • Hi Dizzle. Lovely pic keep them coming, I think hubby to be is spoiling you, hope all goes well in future best wishes to all family.. Billy xxx 

  • Hello hello hello ....

    anybody here now ... missing my old buddies ...  hope your o.k Sandra... and just busy ...  suppose life's taken most away ... which is quite a good thing ... means "normal" now doesnt have to have cancer in the middle ...but everyone that's been on here,  this has / is an amazing thread .. hope we get updates every so often ...

    Cournishpastie.... would love an update on Lee... fingers crossed he's still kicking cancers *** .... 

    Here's to buddies that have come and gone, but oh how everyone of you have left a mark .. Chrissie  


  • Hi Chriss

    Not sure yet but my Brenda is in hospital trouble with her bowels I know she's not a brest lassie but every thing goes with cancer going for a scan soon, really hoping it's something else, time will tell Dr menshened C just have to wait,, love to all, I'm getting gready, bren doesn't know what there saying yet she's worried enough as it is, just thinking about a blockage,, best to all.. Billy 

  • Hi there Billy...

    So so sorry, will keep everything crossed for Brenda... can't believe how much is thrown at you, and still you take it on, without a moan ... but you know, it's o.k to vent every so often ... though I've a feeling, you get more sad of a situation, then the need to vent ...

    I'm always here most days Billy.. if ever you want to private message me, your welcome .. let us know how you go ...  sending you a vertual hug.... Chrissie  

  • Hi Chriss and thanks for your concern for Brenda I'm hoping his wrong but she's had problems for years down below this last couple of months she's really been struggling and she's been in so much pain Dr been no end of times, she's crying and screaming with it I had to keep getting on at hospital people to do something about it she went in Sunday and finally Tuesday about 5 o'clock someone started checking her, they tried enema nurse couldn't get any fluid in at all that's when they finally realised there's a problem hopefully we'll see Dr today and get a scan and find out something, again thanks chrissie,. Love... Billy 

  • Well hello me lovelies.... sorry not posted for a few days. Got offered a free stay in daughters bosses cabin ( very posh) well..... oh alright then if its just gonna be empty :D

    Quicker than u can say pack ya bags ... they were ... woo hoo. Oh my had such a fab relaxing time... mmmmm:)

    Got back last night - school run nd sisters then hair dressers today. Dinner on .... good ol leeks nd bacon ... yum.

    Billy so sorry to read about Bren... tbh I think she needed to go to hospital bless her. You are the best husband ever to that lady of yours... hope she is out soon felling well with good news. ️

    Did some book folding while away(anyone needing to find something that needs little effort or skill but keeps you busy in a relaxed sort of way .... have a go ( I drank wine, chatted nd folded- good times ;). You tube Christmas tree book folding nd have a shot. Soooo easy to do.

    had mammograms- results take 6 wks. 

    Anywhose... hope everyone is as good as they can be, take care me dears x

    [[ ]]



  • Hi Sandra...

    Woo hoo, I thought you may have gone ... there's not many of us originals on here now .. which in one way is good, as everyone has to move on .. but as long as your here sometimes they may all pop back occaisionaly...  

    Well sounds an amazing break away .. you really deserve it ... you do over and above what most do ... fingers crossed for mamorgramme... always leaves a little question mark till we know .. 

    I miss my little ones now they are back at school ... think grandchildren are gods gift for not killing our kids as they grew up ..  lol .. not my saying ... but did make me laugh ...

    Here's to kicking cancers butt.... Chrissie  

  • Hi Chrissie

    I know.... abandoned ( the traitors ;):D;)

    I totally get it....wanting to move on. Lot have work commitments too. 

    Guess I too should be thinking of hanging up my finger typing (I just can’t get the hang of the 2 thumb typing my daughters do lol). I kept on posting because I wanted people to know we can continue with our lives after a cancer diagnosis. That being said ... I am getting on so like u say if only writing to yourself then... really don’t need to :D

    oh my though how much did everyone step up and be there when I needed them..... ️ 

    I never post when on holiday ( guess that’s my walk away   moments). 

    Reckon a wind down is in order. Used t post every day so will pop on every now nd then instead. I’m off on my jollies next wk anyway ( eeeerk the excitement :D).

    ah chrissie the lil ones ️ ( mind wasn’t thinking that this morning when the lil one was screaming her lungs out cos she couldn’t find her mermaid doll.... nope still not found... sigh).  I love the conversations we have with them now... yup how we love em eh:)

    anywhose ... here’s to all who came nd went nd those who are still working their way through. We did it didn’t we lass... go us, go us, go us :D x


  • Actually felt quite weepy,  ; ((  

    It feels like the last day at college and everyone has graduated at moving on ... so we'll throw our gradation hats in the air ... and promise to keep in touch .. but many don't.. a big vertual hug to all .. 

    But anyone that reads these last few texts, will know all who came and started here are still standing .. and that they will still get help knowing it's more good endings then they thought ..

    So for as long or little as you pop on .. thank you for being a wonderful vertual buddy .. .. I'm going off now to she'd some happy tears , wer all o.k ...  YEP WE SURE DID IT ...  ; ))

    Always kicking cancers *** ...  Chrissie