The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Morning ashm

    the first step has commenced..... brilliant news.

    they will be keeping a close eye on him ( as we know you will too). 

    You are giving him something they cannot... your love and 24 hr support ️. 

    Keep your chin up... thinking of you and yours x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- non yay

    good:- I’m late to the party but finally watching making a murderer.... I’m totally hooked. A great watch.

    lost Sunday cos totally hung over.... but great night with daughters..... totally believe we could rule the world :D

    have as good a day as you can peeps x

  • Hi all 

    Good ':had a yearly medical, aok told Dr about waiting for check on Mrs so he's chasing it up for us.

    Bad :Bella still not right started new meds this afternoon, fingers crossed, it helps,

    Hope everyone as good as can be, 

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- none yay

    good :- def getting cooler leaves are dropping in droves from trees that back onto my garden. 

    Awwww look at latest fairy doll I’ve made. So special cos has some of the lace from from daughters wedding dress on it. For her Xmas tree. Made 2 so when lil ones are ready they will be given one each ️.

    This is one of the many things she has done with her wedding dress ( it owes her nothing lol). Wore it wedding day ( obviously). Got married in Kenya so had a “do” when they got back and wore it then.

     It was later cut short and had a christening robe made out of it.... both lil ones wore it at their christening and she wore the shortened dress to christenings too.

    Her husband bought a glass bevelled locket and put some of the lace in it and gave her it for their anniversary so most days she gets to wear her wedding dress :)

    had photo shoots with the lil ones wearing it. 

    They used it as the facing in a photo frame in each of the 1st photos of the lil ones. 

    Yup def owes them nothing.... much better than it being in a box under the bed or hanging for years in the wardrobe :)

    [[ ]]

  • Hi Sandra certainly not waisted,, you'll have to change your name to dolly, well done and your daughter certainly gets good ideas just like you, hope your OK

    Hope everyone as good as can be best wishes... Billy 

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- got reminder through for 2nd yr mammogram... beginning of Sept.

    Good:- booked a wks spar break for the wk before to help take my mind off it.

    hope all goes well cos jollies booked for end of September. 

    Have as good a day as you can peeps x

  • Hi Sandra i agree all these reminders get on the nerves,, got to take Bella in Fri for nother ultra sound, then in two weeks to see if treatment works were both panicking and hopeing but she looks a lot better now and more active,, 

    Bad :full year ago C count went up.0.4 last three months gone up 2.0 so its starting to get quicker probably nead more treatment early next year not looking forward to it. Hope everyone is well as can be best wishes to all... Billy 

  • Everything hanging over our head totally sucks don’t it. Hope bella continues to get better and your ca levels improve. 

    Its not just the treatment it’s how the whole thing takes over your life:( x

  • Hi Sandra quite true how it takes over, got a letter yesterday with new count on straight away I was working out rise and how long, then I thought I'm being daft here, let it come I'm fighting it best I can luckily see oncologist in October try to sort something out with him first,.. 

  • Hello all. Haven't been on for long time - Life has been a bit busy. Hope Dizzle you're getting on ok.

    Been preparing for sons 21st and his visit which is all done and dusted and all went really well. Lovely having him home if only for a week. Still suffering badly with fatigue but am seeing physio again today. Had initial appt 3 weeks ago.

    Trying to look for part time work still. Let's see how that pans out.

    Sandra - 2 years already! Time sure is flying! Am sure it'll all go well. Mine is 3 yr mammo in dec. They've go new admin staff at breast care unit - think they're having trouble managing shoelaces let alone appts! One minute I've got 1 then receive a letter saying iys changed to another date then another letter saying iys original date. If this happened once one could understand but it's happened 4 times now......

    Nevermind- at least I'm behind seen.

    Sounds like we have some new you need on this thread. Hang in there - you got this.

    Take care all.