The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • We were up early most mornings normally around 2 or 3 Mrs back starts hurting and we come downstairs so she can go on recliner were she goes to sleep again, i wait till she's off before i go off most times because she keeps wanting toilet every 10 minutes, once she's asleep she's fine again (weird but true),. She can sleep about 4 to 5 hours straight through,. i have a sleep on a camp bed to be near by,. +dog normally joins me if I don't move over enough she starts kicking me, she's typical women very bossy wants her own way or else (oops)..


  • Hi sandra,

    I wish! Still 6 weeks to go although my boss is away for my last 2 so technically its 4 weeks as I can put my feet up and not be bombarded with last minute tasks lol. Only 8 weeks til due date now  cant believe how quick it's all coming round. Got my final growth scan on the 8th of July as a precaution due to all the medication I was on as well as radiotherapy when I didnt know I was pregnant...but I know all is gonna be fine. Hes a very active little bubba :-) x

  • Hi dizzle i noticed that babies names changed again, i hope you're not confusing him,. Hope you're keeping well it seems like like you are,. Good luck and best wishes for the next eight weeks at least,. 


  • Aw Dizzle warms my heart to hear of your progress and that youre doing well. All the best for 8th july..xx

    Hi rest of ladies and everyone. Sadly it has been a very difficult couple of weeks. I have lost my very good close friend of 23 years on Thurs to cancer. Have brother in laws funeral on Fri and survivors guilt hit me. So muçh to cope with emotionally.

    But I completed 11.5k walk today for Guys Cancer charity and raised quite significant funds. So happy I completed it. Was only meant to do 3.5k but it got emotional and we just followed everyone so ended up completing 11.5k. Don't think I'll be able to move for a week! But proud how far I've come and gave myself a little pat on the back.

    Sorry I haven't been on this forum and am not caught up with every one but hope you're all doing as well as can be and big hugs to all.x

  • [[ ]]hi Sandra just found four generations it's a copy i coloured in years ago, me, father, grand father and great grandfather hasent come out very good, first time I've tried it in letter, don't know what it comes out like your end, great grand father always had a brace on his leg broke it when young and it never mended right,. All family men have lived into there late 90s,. 


    P.s from my end they look a bit stretched,. 

  • Lol.... it’ll come around quick :)

    Love hearing about lil man... ️

    Take it easy lass ... put feet up when you can ️X


  • Bless it’s been really tough for wonder you feel the way you do ️

    Way proud of your walk achievement:)

    It’s  always the getting up from sitting nd going up/down  any stairs that’s the killer post exercise :)

    keep yr chin up lass - thinking of you ️

  • Wow brill pic Billy ( all pics stretch on here.. if you turn yr  device sideways looks more normal)

    I don’t have a single pic of me as a child... older brothers nd sisters do ... the snagged them before I could lol. 

    Its so much easier to get pics these days with our phones nd we always have them with us lol.

    I love seeing old pics though.... thanks for posting it :)


  • Morning peeps 

    bad:- none yay

    good:- went to B&M yesterday nd hit a new lowest spend for that shop achievement (£22) ... this is no mean feat for B&M:D:D:D

    got some PEZ refills for lil ones yaeahhhhh.

    We had burger from burger van for lunch mmmmmm - I can almost feel the head shakes lol:D

    finished off at daughters with coffee nd the cupcakes I had made ( 12 cupcakes gone - 2 each... yum).

    Think gonna do some crafting today:)

    have as good a day as you can peeps x


  • Thanks for advice, dad was a photo fanatic mum usto get fed up,. Long time ago they went to one of the small Scottish islands had some relatives there going over on the ferry he used twenty rolls of film mostly of the water or gulls flying over he put them onto slides, and made me watch them all it took nearly three hours what with the running commentary,. I've got boxes of slides and photos in a coubard it'll take years to go through them all, but I want to check some are good it's just finding them. Hope you are well. 
