The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Sorry to hear that Beach, there is always something!

  • Sorry to hear that Beach...I have everything crossed that its nothing sinister. Like you said, its nothing till its something (a phrase ive learned to love from this forum)

    Hope everyone else is ok. Nice to hear from people when theyve not popped up in a while :)

    Well I had my appointment with the consultant yesterday, and theyve basically told me they need to look into my bowels but cant do that with me being heavily pregnant so I will need to wait til ive given birth. But if symptoms do worsen then they will look into the option of an early c section...really dont want that to happen but if it needs to then so be it. I was there 3 hours, saw 3 different people for something they could have basically told me over the phone so wasnt happy. I wanted answers which I didnt get so its just another waiting game. Should really be only 10 more weeks left of being pregnant so I guess a good thing is its not a huge amount of time to wait or if its sinister, its not that long to grow. I really want to enjoy my pregnancy but its difficult with the unknown hanging over your head, but hey, I will do my best.

    Have a great day ladies and Billgoat, although the weather is horrific today but its reminded me I need to get the holes in my boots repaired lol xx


  • Hi all,, just been dropped in it, i can't leave wife on her own, (she tries to get up and she falls over) when i go shopping or to hospital a neighbour comes round to talk to her she gets paid, she's just got a job i don't mind really she's been looking for a job for ages, just I've got to find someone else, most people near us are young and working or got young families.. Never mind i just need to let off steam. God bless you all.


  • Oh beach life not half throwing curveballs at you bless. 

    You know more than most the  saying “it’s nothing till it is” is a fact.

    we worry so much for our children in general no matter what age they are but health issues not half side swipe us.

    hope this turns out to be nothing ... got everything crossed anyways.

    tightest of hugs sent your way lass. X ️X

  • Ta muchly sundial... I’ll pass the info on. She has been talking about it for a while now. The lil ones school doesn’t have a playing field they have just turned a corner of the yard over into a plant area with artificial grass mini green house and seating... looks lovely.


  • Lol love your gardening philosophy- buy it I’ll find somewhere :-) it’s great you have found your interest and joining in with like minded people... good for the soul ️

    Lass u gotta book that appointment. Like I said I know exactly how you are feeling... I was the same... but gotta be done. So please pick the phone up nd get that routine check up booked. ️

    Take care x

  • Just wondering billy if you have asked if there is any help available for you. It just seems so wrong that you are doing this all on your own. Like we say up north “shy bairn’s get nowt” basically means don’t be shy in stepping  forward and asking.

    she is so blessed to have you by her side. X

  • Im with you could have said that on that phone call the made to you..... sigh.

    you are right .... put it out of your mind and enjoy your time preparing for lil man coming ️

    I’m still in the mindset it’s nothing... seriously I was the same throughout my pregnancies they just gave me something to help. It’s because of your history they are being supper vigilant. Which although scary is a good thing. ️


  • Hi billy 

    Was working my way down the posts nd just got to this one. Like I said earlier see if you are entitled to help first- speak with your G.P.  If family can’t help -  Try contacting McMillan to see if they can advise you. If  no other options there are lots of organisations who you can contact - you may have to pay for their services. X


  • Hi Sandra i tried macmillan told I'd have to pay, because care is for the wife. hopefully I've found a neighbour to keep their eyes on her when i have to go out, I've got everything arranged for when I have any more treatment, that's all sorted. I still have to pay for that as well. Trying to save as much as we can to be on the safe side (if i have three months treatment someone every day soon adds up) hopefully less than three months but that's what i had before, it just depends on how fast the C comes back, thanks its nice to talk about it sometime, let a bit of steam off. Best wishes.
