The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi and good morning to everyone, got a good 8 hours sleep last night first time in about 6 years, feeling bright and bushy tailed ready for what ever the day can throw at me. (hope it lasts)


  • Hi ladies I've been trying to get [@VPlum]‍ to join you she's very very nervous op on Tues if you could talk to her please.


  • Hi peeps ...

    Just to say there's been lots of trouble posting / answering etc yesterday ... think it's a tad better this morn , fingers crossed ... and just want to add to Billy.. Vplumb is feeling the nerves right now ... so I know she'd appreciate any wonderfull words from you amazing lasses (and lovely billy) we all know how scary waiting for it all to happen ...

    @Dizzle82 ... love those pics ... bet he can't wait to see his amazing mum ... the bottom right pic ... he's winking at ya ... Chrissie x

  • Ooooh hope you had a brill night st the barn dance. 

    Hope hubbys sore hip didn’t stop you dancing too much x

  • Oh my how brilliant are these... totally worth the 2nd try ️

    I just bet he is already tugging at your heart strings ️

    A stunning little miracle ️

  • Hi chrissie 

    yup def a prob with the site. I’ve had a post pop up x2 so edited it to say duplicate then blow me another duplicate popped up.

    its still hanging for me when I post so will persevere for these couple then try again tomorrow. The number of pending posts to view ain’t fixed yet either lol. X

  • Morning peeps 

    Ah that’s fab billy.... nowt like a good nights sleep to charge the batteries is there.... long may it last :-)

    bad :- none yayyyy 

    good :- woke at 6 ( them birds a tweeting again Chrissie ;) ). Turned over nd went back t sleep nd woke at 9:30 :D

    bit of weeding before the forecast rain starts the s lazy craft day for me I think.

    have as good a day as u can peeps x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- none yay

    good:- so sun doth shine... washing done nd pegged out. About t have food... gonna raid cupboard for inspiration lol.

    have as good a day as u can peeps x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- non yay

    good :- Got 1 more day with no child care responsibilities (granite is being delivered nd fitted in daughters new kitchen so son in law off work). 

    So... had lie in, showered nd dressed nd heading for a browse around shops.... good times

    have as good a day as u can peeps x

  • Hi Sandra,

    I always admire how involved you are with your grandkids and how helpful you are to your daughter. My mums attitude was "you wanted the child so you look after her" so I never got any help with anything. Least I wont be missing anything when I have this little one (yes she still hasnt acknowledged my pregnancy since I told her in Feb....disgraceful) Anyway, I wont get on a rant lol.

    Got my appointment with the colorectal consultant tomorrow morning so I should know more about whats going to be happening. Im going to ask him straight what he thinks my symptoms are leading to and to not beat around the bush. Just want answers.

    Anyways, Jamie taking me out for a curry tonight nd i'll have my weekly glass of red :) Im really excited lol. Little things!

    Hope everyone has a great day xx