The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- none

    good :- nd so begins the endless making of fondant shells nd the likes for lil ones up nd coming bday.... need t start now cos 50 cupcakes worth to make sigh. I will be recruiting the help of the lil ones cos not hard t make just time consuming nd they enjoy it more than me lol. 

    Have as good s day as you can peeps x

  • thanks Sandra. 

     Oops auto spell hits again 

    Have a good day x


    HI Pug,

    I so sorry that you've been hit by the dreaded 'C' again. How long is it since you went through all this first time around? I have had 2 bouts too. The first was 9 years ago when I had a lumpectomy followed by Tamoxifen. A year later I found another lump in the same breast and, was diagnosed with another primary of the same type of cancer. This time I had a double mastectomy, followed by Letrozole for 6 years. I stopped taking this in July 2017.

    Unfortunately, I was not a suitable candidate for reconstruction, due to prevuios non-cancer related surgery. I had no donor sites available. I have also stopped breathing whilst on the operating table in the past, so my care team were worried about keeping me under for such a long time. In the end, I decided not to have any reconstruction and, have managed well with a selection of prostheses for different activities.

    Have a good heart to heart with your surgeon. Write down a list of questions before you see him. Take someone with you to your appointment. Give them a duplicate copy of your questions and, get them to write down the answers whilst you ask the questions. It's amazing how quickly we forget anything that is said during a consultation. This is a decision that only you can reach, but you need to know all the pros and cons before you can make up your mind.

    I would expect it to be easier to deal with if it were all done at the time of your mastectomy. Although it can be done later on, many don't want to have more surgery further down the line.

    Please don't worry about the mastectomy. I found this easier than having the lumpectomy. If you go up to the blue banner at the top of this page and type 'reconstruction' into the search box, then click, this will bring up previous posts on this topic, which might help you to decide.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine

    Thank you for replying.

    My first bout was 28 years ago a lifetime away!

    I didn’t take tamoxifen due to my age as I wanted to have a family which I did easily with no problems thankfully.

    I have a call into the nurse as I couldn’t really take it all in yesterday the surgeon was great but she gave me an outline of what I could get.

    Because of my old lumpectomy scar at the top of my breast she can’t incorporate it into the reconstruction.

    I am swayed towards a prosthesis as an alternative and as I’m really active will need to see if it’s an option.

    I won’t make any decision yet but it’s good to hear others perspective and experiences.

    How did you find the Letrozole as this is what she is going to prescribe for 10 years .




  • Reading your story I hope you are fit and well now.It doesn’t seem fair that we have had to fight it twice.

  • Hi pug ...

    And welcome to the best place to be going through cancer ... you'll see caring, support in good and bad days ... hence the name lol ... and a wicked sense of humour ... it's deff not all about cancer ... 

    I had masectomy in 2017 with no reconstruction... I was so scared to look at it after ... but a few days later while in shower look down .. l didn't feel anything really ... just a "oh well it's not so bad ... and a small price to pay to still be here "  the surgeon took my right boob , but gave me something far more precious... time ... so hay ho .. but maybe being 63 at the time, it made it easier ...

    Cancer wants us to lay down and never get up... it wants us to feel beaten and not fight back ... well it's got another thing comming... all those lasses on here, looked cancer square in the eye and got in the ring and you know I'm pretty sure we got it on the ropes... yes we may have down days , it is a rollercoaster but we get back up and come back swinging ... 

    We've even got a new baby due on here soon ... @Dizzle... she's amazing and we all feel like mother hens to her and babe ... l dont come on here often as I stay mainly on the other threads , but l am humbled by all these wonderfull lasses on here ... you will be well looked after ... 

    So get your gloves on, and join us in the ring ... here's to kicking cancers *** ... Chrissie xx

  • Hi ladies...been a while but great to see Sundials hubby is home :) All is well with me and the little one. Went away to Cornwall last week for my birthday which wasa nice relaxing break and weather turned out fine which is a bonus.

    Pug....Sorry you have been diagnosed a second time. Life really is unfair sometimes. I had a right skin sparing mastectomy back in October with temporary reconstruction. Was very pleased with the results. To look at it looks fine (minus the nipple) but to feel is a bit a skin covered crisp bag. But they will be doing a more permanent reconstruction once my baby is born and taking tissue from another part to give it a more realistic feel. Its actually amazing what they can do. My auntie had skin taken from her back after her mastectomy and a whole new boob babe with a nipple tattooed on and you really wouldnt know.

    Hope this is of some help.

    Dizzle xx 

  • Evening ladies! glad your hubby is now home sundial. Lovely to see dizzle back and I am glad pug07 found this thread as knew you lovely ladies would be able to help her on her journey.

    The good- 2 more sleeps then London here we come. Thankfully weather looking like it will be ok!

    The Bad- none x 

  • Morning ladies

    Thank you all for your well wishes for my hubby. He’s tired but doing well at home. Back for follow up in 3 weeks. Hopefully he’ll be able to drive after that. I don’t so we’re stuck at home....


    Hubby home and his 65th birthday today.


    None of any consequence.
