The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad:- none

    good :- up early this morning breakfast at daughters while watching GoT..... brilliant. Just back from other daughters ( had tea yum). Gonna kick back nd relax watching movies. Had a lovely bank holiday :-)

    hope everyone has had as good a day as they can ️X

  • Evening ladies

    Cornish - glad you’re ok and Lee’s treatment is going to plan.

    Jbains nice to hear things are going well after coming off your meds. Hopefully the dregs of them will soon clear.

    Sandra GoT.....interesting. Can’t wait to see where it’s going next.....I’m predicting but not telling. Shhh



    Hubby still in hospital after nearly three weeks. Five hours a day visiting and shattered. 


    He is much better and will be  home within the next few days. Then sleep is the order of the day. :-)

    Hope everyone is as well as they can be and have enjoyed the bank holiday.


  • Sorry hubby is not home yet but glad to hear each day he is a step closer - bet u r tucked. 

    Eeek GoT. I too have theories of where it’s going but.... never been right yet :D :D :D

    ive loved em all but I too thought ep3s lighting was appalling. People saying it was at night yeah but it’s on screen not radio so should be watchable as every other night scene is on my TV. As for adjusting our tvs well I did and could see what was happening better but it was all a sludgy grey pixelated mess not the quality it should be. I have never changed my settings before for any program so for them to imply we should have automatically done so for this one episode was tosh. Director of lighting saying it was intentional then blaming us nd our TVs then saying it was HBOs fault cos the over compressed it making it dark .... bottom line they messed it up....... erm other than that it was canny  lol :D x



  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- none

    good :- lil ones went t school no bother .. love our chats on the walk t school ️ 

    Shops done, hoovered nd dusted. Cuppa nd read for a bit methinks.

    have as good a day as you can peeps x

  • Hubby home...yay! It’s been a very long three weeks.


  • Hooray eee bet ya chuffed nd relieved :-)

    so pleased for you lass ️X

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- none ( except it’s pouring from the heavens nd I’m soaked through).

    good :- warm conservatory, book nd gingerbread latte order of the day for me. Hope it stops raining in time for me picking up lil ones. 

    Have as good a day as you can ️ 

  • Morning all

    Im reliably informed this is the place to get some good honest help.

    Ok small summary of me,diagnosed originally at 29 with breast cancer,lumpectomy chemo radiotherapy no spread all ok.Refused tamoxifen due to my age.Had two beautiful girls life is good.

    I went for a routine mammogram and had a recall three weeks ago, 2 areas of concern so biopsies taken.

    Clinic yesterday confirmed one lump is cancer, 6 mm no lymph evidence as such by US.

    surgeon said it’s not the original cancer just unlucky again.

    So it’s mastectomy and hormone treatment as I’ve just finished the menopause and because of my last treatment no lumpectomy.

    Heres the question I have to decide reconstruction at time of mammogram using my harvested skin from another area, versus protheses versus reconstruction   later.

    Anyone got any stories experienced they could share with me.

    I am really fit slim don’t smoke no medications so I’m doing ok for any op.

    Thank you 



  • Well first of all pug07 a warm welcome to the thread but sorry for the reason you find yourself here. 

    I had lumpectomy 1.5 yrs ago so can’t help on your op ( I am assuming your autocorrect has changed mastectomy to mammogram?). 

    So....a shout out to all nd sundry who are reading this nd can give the lovely pug07 their slant on things. In the mean while perhaps wor [@Dizzle82]‍  can spare a min to drop by nd give her experience too ( a smile to your lil miracle boy... hope all is well x ️X dizzel). I know [@Chriss]‍ And [@Jolamine]‍ both had mastectomies although did not have reconstruction but may have words of wisdom :-) 

    take care lass x