Mood swings on Tamoxifen

I've been on Tamoxifen since about November last year, I'm very lucky in that I am no longer receiving any other treatments now but recently I have had terrible mood swings, for around the last month or so I can go from sad, to irritated by the tiniest thing, to really rageful within minutes, crying for no reason seems to be my lastest thing.  All very frustrating as I don't want to feel this way, have lots to look forward to and am lucky to have lovely friends and family so am struggling with my recent moods and hoping that tamoxifen may be the culprit and I'm not just slowly going mad !   day to day is startingto become a struggle, has anyone else had this experience ???    

  • Hi suzie

    I hope you slept well last night.I think I could do with sleeping pills Im not sleep oncologist says that's the last thing to get back to normal.

    Sorry if my message disturbed you.

    Ness x 

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