Hello again

Hello everyone on this dark, cold, wet and windy 14 November.  It's my birthday today and after 3 weeks of radiotherapy, all I want to do is spend it in bed!  I have 2 more weeks (plus 1 day as I missed a session) to go and am counting the hours as well as the days.  I feel more queasy now than I did with chemotherapy and so achy, shaky and, yes, a bit flaky at times.  I mentioned this, and asked some other questions, to the doctor this week who replied that she didn't know, hadn't heard of that before or just shrugged.  The good ol' shrug, eh?  Says a thousand words without opening your mouth.  So I came away none the wiser but I did manage to get a blood test out of them (lucky me).  So instead of celebrating my birthday with big fat cakes, I am going to have a cheese sandwich as I can't face goodies at the moment.  Does/has anyone else have/had this side effect with radiotherapy?  But I have decided that they won't beat me if I can help it at all.  So if it's good enough for the queen then it's good enough for me and I have decided to have 2 birthdays this year.  The one today and an official one in a few weeks time when I can, hopefully, make up for today.  You are all invited of course and I want you to wear your best dresses, best perfumes, full make-up and highest heels possible.  And the ladies can dress up as well if you want.  This thing does get us down and sometimes the treatment is worse than the disease and that is why I am so grateful to you all for making me feel part of a community who knows exactly what I'm going through, and cares.  Thank you all so very much.  My very best wishes to you all. 

Battlling Babe 

  • I thought I was hearing things when my Consultant suggested Dom Perignon to combat nausea, but I thought "that makes sense, something dry and refreshing as a pick-me-up" ....

    ... sadly I had misheard him, it was Domperidone he prescribed!



  • Wow Dave, champagne on perscription, yes please!!!

  • Thank you, BB.

    Yes, I am now having 6 more chemos following another op at the end of July for the recurrence of ovarian first diagnosed in 2012.  I had 3 fairly good years in between, for which I must be grateful!  My reaction to the chemo in 2012 was the same as yourself BB, but I am on a different and lower dosage this time so it's more manageable, especially now I have been given omeprazole and extra domperidone for the dreaded nausea.  I do get very tired though, and like you keep falling asleep on the settee and missing my favourite telly progs.  Mind you, missing all the Christmas ads is no hardship, I must admit!

    I do hope you feel better soon in time for your official birthday.

    Hazel x

    PS, by the way, I must apologise to everyone for seemingly popping up out of nowhere in lots of places on here lately, but I was on the site 3 years ago for quite a while and never gave a thought to reintroducing myself this time. You all must be thinking, "Who is this rude person who keeps interrupting?", sorry!  H



  • Hello Hazel.  Yes, that was my first thought when you replied yesterday: "who is this rude person who keeps interrupting?" (hee hee).  Now, I know it's coming up to Christmas and we're all entitled to be even more silly than we normally are if we want to be but I'll have no more talk like that otherwise I'll have words with Father Christmas and get his reindeer to do rude things down your chimney.  So 'nuff said on that.

    I was glad to read that this course of chemo is not quite so gruelling for you as the last course as it has been "tweaked" a bit and omeprazole added.  How many chemo sessions have you had up to yet this time Hazel?  I do hope your course will be finished by Christmas.  Will you be spending Christmas at home or going away if you feel strong enough?

    Take care, keep warm and don't get blown away in this wind.  In fact, it's been so windy here today that they stopped the Thames cable car crossing but they still let people walk on top of the O2 Arena!  Where do those people get the energy from?  It made my poor little fat legs ache even more just watching them.

    Carol x



    Hi Carol,sorry for the delay, have been busy blocking up my fireplaces!

    Hope you are feeling OK, though still tired I expect from the radiotherapy.  Only one more week, isn't it, plus one day?  (Naughty girl,missing a day, detention for you!)

    I've only had 2 chemos so far, at 4-weekly intervals, so I won't be finished until about March.  Don't know what I'll be doing at Christmas yet, really depends on how I'll be feeling by then, as you say.  

    Keep those little legs going!

    Hazel x


  • Hello Hazel.  What a busy little "blocker upper" you've been against the reindeer.  They'll have to find other chimneys now I expect.  As I explained in my other post, I have one more week and then three more days.  Oh I can see me being told to go and stand in the corner.  I'm so sorry about your chemo treatment lasting all that time.  You're not due for a session during the Christmas or New Year week, are you?  I do hope not.  My poor little fat legs haven't been quite themselves but I took them chuting (took the rubbish along to the chute) this morning and as it's the first time they've been out since Thursday they were quite pleased with that.  Hopefully (if that's the right word) I can get to radiotherapy tomorrow which is booked for 8.30am which means I have to be there at 7.30am so I'll have to leave home at 6.30am.  Eek.  Think I'll go to bed now.

    Bye for now Hazel.  Do look after yourself.

    Love Carol xx 

  • It's me again, hope you manage to get to RT OK tomorrow,  All these early starts and travelling don't help when you're already 'run down' from treatment, do they?  

    Good luck, love Hazel x

  • No, you're right there Hazel.  At my hospital it's almost like a conveyor belt, where you go in one cubicle to change while someone is having treatment, then they go in the other cubicle to change back in their day clothes, while you have your treatment, and then the next customer steps up.  I know it's nice to run like clockwork but we are humans and not clockwork mice.  On a lighter note, I've been very remiss today; not only have I lost hair and eyebrows but I've now lost my voice.  So no Carol singing from me today (yes, I know, I can hear you groaning from here).

    Thank you for your good wishes Hazel.  Night night, try to have a pleasant sleep.

    Love Carol xx

  • Happy birthday two times! Found gin and tonic is good for feeling queasy with the quinnine in tonic being good for your tummy! Worth a try! Take care honey xx

  • Thank you chrissylemon for your birthday wishes.  This week I've found that one good way to avoid feeling queasy is not to eat!  The queasiness went completely but at the cost of losing quite a lot of weight in a short space of time.  I'm now trying to put it back on!  I never thought I'd say that, having tried to watch my weight all my life and now I make a rake look fat.  We just can't win, can we? 

    Thank you for the advice and take care.

    BB xx