Radiotherapy Side Effects

Hi there,

I am due to meet an oncologist next week to discuss radiotherapy ater having bilateral WLE & SNB

Please could you let me know what side effects you had and were you able to work during & after your treatment?

Thanks a lot



  • Hi Shirley,

    Just wanted to see how you are doing,....? x



  • I am having my op on May 19th. I need to drive for my job and my consultant has told me no driving and take 3 months off to recover. He wants me to avoid strain on the breast tissue that is healing and do exercises daily too. I will probably have Radiotherapy only unless the specimen lab test  says the cancer is more serious than he believes. I am lucky I can afford to take time off but it worries me to read of so many here on the forum struggling to cope with work and getting exhausted. So good luck to you all let us hope it gets easier with time.debsx


  • Hi Debbie,

    All the very best for your op, I hope it goes well for you....

    Glad to hear you have been advised to take a good bit of time off work afterwards. I went back after two weeks and it was, in hindsight, far too early even though I worked only mornings for the first couple of weeks. It's very difficult because you want to get back to a normal routine asap and it's only by trying that you can see if it is possible. I am now actually very grateful that because the hospital is so far away I am forced to take the three weeks off for radiotherapy, at last I will be able to relax for a bit!

    Take care and do let us know how you are doing x



    Hi, double base gel, All cancer patitants get free perscrion with an NHS card.i had 6weeksof radio every day 36 sessions. I did use the creams, but towards the end my skin peeled & bleed. Luckily I could not see it as it was on my back ( lung cancer). Radio is fine, it's painless , but you will feel sooooo tried. So pace yourself. I had radio twice in one day 6hpurs apart and at two diffrent hosiptals? ....I am in remission since October, but       Would not have  Treatment again. Good luck to you x








  • Hi susu, I had grade 1 DCIS and SNB - like you, margins clear and nothing in lymph nodes. I had three weeks radiotheraphy but only on one side. I had very few side effects,but it depends on the individual and the dose you are given. The travelling back and forward to hospital was what tired me out more than anything! I was off work for 10 weeks from op to end of radiotherapy and looking back I think I rushed it back to work. If you are paid sick pay I would take it and take the time to look after yourself, or maybe you could work part-time? Effects from rad can kick in a few weeks after it has ended, look after your skin and keep well hydrated. Take care x

  • Haha! I've just seen the date when you first posted susu - radiotherapy seems to have affected my concentration as well!! Hope you are recovering well x

  • Hi there, no problem at all!. Still dealing with fairly brutal side effects six months later though... am also on Anastrozole (as per your other post) and seem to be ok but, like you and Max, I don't read the leaflet! Take care Sue x

  • Hi there

    The side effects of the Radio therapy does depend on the type of radio Therapy you have... i was fortunate in that Addenbrookes had two Tomotherapy machines and its more targeted than the ordinary IMRT radio therapy that is supposed to limit the damage to other organs so that the recovery is quicker

    Who ever said it ... my side effects kicked in drastically at the end of week two in that as i had throat cancer my taste went, then for the next four weeks it progressively got worse until i ended up with massive burns around my next at the end of the 6 weels of daily treatment. Ok it was painful but cleared up fully in two weeks with the help of some wonderful cream called Famazine.

    The radio therapy also made me very tired and I finished my treatment in august 2014 and phased myself back into work in October 14 and when i was not at work, i slept

    Now days, i still have a few issues but i am alive and they are easy to copy with if you follow your routines. I sleep like a baby but at the times when i want to sleep now.

    Its not a nice experience to go through, but it's short term pain for long term gain ... we just do it

    Shout if anyone needs to know anything else
